War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1745 Evil God Invincible, Laughing Dragon Domain 2

Chapter 1745 The Evil God is Invincible, Laughing Dragon Realm [-]
"Show allegiance to me, and you will not die!"

"You... what did you say? Did I hear you right?"

The half-orc felt that this was the most absurd thing in the world. If it wasn't for his elder brother in his arms, he really wanted to kick this arrogant bastard out of the sky!

"Be loyal to me and avoid death, otherwise, the entire city of life will be buried for you!"

Li Kuang still smiled so charmingly and harmlessly, like a boy next door, but the half-orc felt that this guy was either crazy or a real devil.

To be alone in someone else's stronghold, but to say such unbelievable words, is either a broken head or a lack of energy.

Since the birth of the Mu family, they have stood proudly at the top of the continent, never conceded defeat to anyone, and never had anyone been able to attack under the protection of the tree of life.

How dare this madman in front of him threaten the second young master of the Mu family in the city of life?
Such absurd thing, even if it is said as a joke, no one will believe it.

"Since you are courting death, don't blame me for doing good deeds."

The half-orc sneered and waved his hand: "Kill him!"

The master was seriously injured and was about to abdicate immediately. The guards behind him had already suppressed their anger. Hearing this, he sneered, strode forward, and surrounded Li Kuang.

Yang Binfu's guard group consisted of [-] members, all of whom were like-minded king-level masters. When combined, their strength was even close to that of the middle-stage emperor-level, extremely powerful.

But this time Yang Binfu only brought three people with him in order to visit Bingchuangtian.

These three people are the most powerful masters in the guard group, and they have reached the late stage of the king class, so they naturally wouldn't take Li Kuang, a kid in the middle of the king class, seriously.

Li Kuang was unhurried, fixedly staring at the orc, and slowly said: "You have to think clearly, don't be too late for regrets!"

"Boy, you dare to be stubborn when you are about to die. Are you going to the duel field or just die?"

A guard shouted loudly, and his loud voice immediately attracted a lot of attention, and the audience who originally wanted to leave stopped again.

It is an indisputable fact that dragon people like to watch the excitement.

The guard smiled smugly, apparently complacent about his cleverness.

How could Li Kuang not understand that he did this just to take the opportunity to keep the audience, and deal with it together when the army arrives, so that he can complete the task assigned by the second young master.

However, isn't his own purpose the same?
(End of this chapter)

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