War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1755 Evil God Invincible, Laughing Dragon Domain 12

Chapter 1755 The Evil God is Invincible, Laughing Dragon Domain [-]

Step by step, Li Kuang slowly walked in front of him, seemingly relaxed, but the shrewd and cunning half-orc still saw a clue.

Li Kuang's forehead seemed to be covered with fine sweat!
"It seems that you are not so easy! If you want to trap me, it depends on your ability!"

The fighting spirit in the orc's heart surged, and a crazy light flashed in his eyes!

"Infinite devour!"

This is the most terrifying move of the Regenerated Legion, because he uses his unique advantages to frantically plunder the opponent's spiritual accumulation, so as to control the enemy without being affected by any time and space!Fantastic connections can be made, even in someone else's domain!

This trick still relies on the characteristics of the tree of life, treating him as an infinite warehouse, absorbing the opponent's energy wantonly!

Once the moves are in operation, it is equivalent to opening up an energy channel between a target and the tree of life!

Through believers, the Hundred Years Tree of Life can instantly extract the enemy's spirits completely!

Of course, during this process, believers have a [-]% chance of being accidentally injured by the tree of life, sucking away their souls and souls!
With the power of the tree of life, who in this world can withstand his absorption?
The reason why this trick is rarely used is because the risk factor is too high. When destroying the enemy, it is very likely that one's own spiritual accumulation will be absorbed and become a sacrificial object.It is more dangerous than the sacrifice of life.

No one would be so crazy unless it was absolutely necessary!
From this point of view, the two brothers of the Yang family are so hot and impulsive, it's hard to make a big deal!

Li Kuang seemed to be casual, but his power was fully activated, and his sky eyes closely monitored the entire space to catch any disturbance.

Feeling the powerful aura suddenly erupting from the half-orc, he couldn't help being startled, but at the same time, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

How big is the tree of life? I am afraid that no one can answer this question, because it is really too big!
One of its leaves can build a community!
The backbone is even more of a mountain.

It is so huge that even the slightest movement is extremely astonishing.

Now, although the trunk of the tree of life has not moved, its branches are moving.

The whole world was instantly placed in a strange environment.

If Li Kuang's "sleepy" tactic just now was to treat the space as a small box that can be compressed infinitely, then at this moment, the outside of this small box is once again covered with a big box!

A more powerful and pure breath is densely covering the entire space and begins to compress.

(End of this chapter)

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