War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1769 Evil God Invincible, Laughing Dragon Domain 27

Chapter 1769 The Evil God is Invincible, Laughing Dragon Realm [-]

The half-orcs don't know that Li Kuang is just playing tricks. This field is not from his own cultivation. If he really reaches that level, he may not be far from Dzogchen.

At this moment, facing the half-orc in a cage, the Regenerated Legion frowned, in a dilemma.

"At all costs, we must rescue the second young master!"

Yang Dingtian waved his hand fiercely and gave the order to die!

Facing such a frenzied area, he didn't dare to take risks lightly, so he could only ruthlessly sacrifice his subordinates. After all, there are tens of millions of members and subordinates in the Mu family, but there are only two sons!
It's just that after the tree of life rebounded, it began to show its power like an enraged beast.

Waves of wave-like fluctuations emanated from the trees, accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, and instantly spread to the surroundings.

Cracks can be vaguely seen appearing and disappearing in the air, and the tiny cracks like spider silk are even more shocking.

"No, everyone go back!"

Yang Dingtian didn't expect that just after he gave the death order, he would overthrow it by himself. The invisible fluctuation gave him a feeling of palpitation.

Even emperor-level powerhouses feel palpitations, let alone ordinary masters?
Immediately, everyone's expression changed, and they backed away at the fastest speed in their lives, and finally avoided the terrifying shock almost narrowly!

But seeing the invisible vibrations, even the space was silently broken, and the matter in it became invisible in an instant. If a person was hit, even if he was as strong as a dragon, he might only be smashed to pieces.

This wave of shock, like a scavenger, cleaned up everything in an instant, and countless high-rise buildings silently turned into phantoms, leaving no residue, as if they had never appeared before.

Everyone stared at the "clean" space in front of them dumbfounded, speechless in shock!
Looking at the half-orc who was alone in it now, everyone felt a burst of cold air rushing to their foreheads, and cold sweat dripped down!

So weird!

The half-orc himself didn't feel anything, he was just worried about his father's situation, but seeing that Yang Dingtian was not personally in danger, he was relieved.

At this moment, he is more curious.

I don't know what this devil wants to do, he can only prevent the disaster of the city of life?

Li Kuang is in trouble at the moment!
The riots on the Tree of Life can be said to be all deliberate by Li Kuang. He used the Tree of Life to greedily absorb his own soul power into the most terrifying soul poison and injected it into the Tree of Life, and then manipulated it to explode, polluting its godhead in one fell swoop. The trick is not poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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