War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1772 Evil God Invincible, Laughing Dragon Domain 30

Chapter 1772 The Evil God is Invincible, Laughing Dragon Realm [-]

In front of him, everything is so small and insignificant, the little godhead is as majestic as the sky and the earth!

Li Kuang was shocked. It turns out that this so-called inner universe is not groundless. After cultivating to Dzogchen and concluding the godhead, it is like forming a perfect universe in the body, circulating autonomously, and producing unique power that belongs to oneself!
Although the godhead of the tree of life seemed extremely huge, Li Kuang didn't feel the power emanating from him, but instead seemed to be restricted by a mysterious thing.

The powerful power is hidden, and it can give people more pressure.

Li Kuang gritted his teeth, but revealed a charming smile, and murmured: "So that's how it is! It's so interesting that even I was deceived! Let me just say it! How could there be such a huge godhead in the world. "

With a flash of his figure, he actually walked straight to the godhead!
How chaotic is the surrounding godhood at this moment?Once the most original spiritual accumulation riots, its power is terrifying.

The hurricanes that swept away directly tore apart the fragile space barrier, but due to its abnormally strong recovery ability, it repaired the broken space almost at the same time. At first glance, there was no change.

In fact, the space is going through the process of fragmentation and healing for a long time. Whenever foreign objects enter, it will bear the pressure of tearing the space, and the difficulty can be imagined.

The closer to the godhead, the greater the pressure.

Li Kuang only walked a dozen or so steps, and he was still a long way from the godhead, so he couldn't go any further.

Because with every step, the pressure doubles.

In the end, it actually directly crushed the space.

If the body has not reached the peak of the emperor level, I am afraid that it will be crushed to pieces immediately, which is extremely terrifying.

Li Kuang couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect the pressure brought by this godhead to be so great. With his current body and strength, he might be crushed deeply within a hundred steps!
That kind of feeling is like suddenly coming to a planet with a density hundreds and thousands of times that of the earth. Even standing is a huge burden.

Li Kuang involuntarily took two steps back, and even his breathing became short of breath. It was as if I had just climbed a thousand steps, and I was almost sweating.

Li Kuang carefully inspected it with his heavenly eyes, and finally found to his dismay that with his current strength, unless he gave up his body, it was impossible to approach the godhead unscathed.

(End of this chapter)

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