War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1784 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick 3

Chapter 1784 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick 3
How did Li Kuang know that everyone had such nasty thoughts in their hearts?Standing in the posture of a peerless master, he is showing off: "Look, what is handsome, this is it! Once brother comes out, even if he does nothing, he will be the focus of the audience. Even the enemy will be convinced and bow down Under my peerless grace, so you don't need to belittle yourself, it is not an easy thing to be the servant of this young master."

The half-orc almost fell to the ground, depressed and shouted in his heart: "My god, you are even more shameless and narcissistic than me!" "

But Yang Dingtian quit. As the patriarch of the Mu family and the controller of the city of life, he is aloof and has always said the same thing. How has he ever seen such a person who ignores his majesty?

He is used to giving orders, so he naturally cannot tolerate any existence that disobeys him.

"Bold devil, dare to act presumptuously in the city of my life, I simply don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, die!"

In his rage, Yang Dingtian no longer cared about his own safety, so he jumped and rushed towards Li Kuang.

When he was in mid-air, he had already swung his fist, and a flash of white light roared, turning into a small sun, and struck Li Kuang fiercely.

"do not want!"

The half-orc, who had seen Li Kuang's power before, couldn't help but feel his heart tighten when he saw his father make a rash move, and his face turned pale with shock.

With the strength of his bursting out of the late emperor level state, he was defeated in an instant, and this catastrophe that shocked the three worlds was also destroyed as soon as it was destroyed. This kind of terrifying strength has really surpassed the cognition of half-orcs.

In his heart, Li Kuang is simply an omnipotent demon,

Under such circumstances, he would naturally be extremely concerned about his father.

Yang Dingtian was furious in his heart, seeing his son's desolate appearance, felt like a knife was piercing his heart, wishing to tear Li Kuang's body to pieces.

Seeing the fierce attack approaching in an instant, Li Kuang calmly said to the half-orc with a charming smile, "Little Shou! Don't you think your father doesn't love you enough? Boss, I Just give you a chance to verify it, okay?"

Although it was in a questioning tone, it didn't give the half-orc any chance to express his opinion.

Damn, is it the damn space-time rules again?
Obviously the attack will come in less than a second, but it feels extremely long. The half-orc even felt that even if he tidied up and changed his clothes, he might still be able to escape the attack.

When such a weird feeling is used in reality, it immediately brings a kind of awkwardness that makes people almost unbearable to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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