War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1805 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick 25

Chapter 1805 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick [-]

Li Kuang's forehead actually started to sweat, and he scolded the goddess in his heart.

Through the teaching of the goddess, Li Kuang knew that the only way to stop this energy emission was to put the two leaves together. However, what Li Kuang never imagined was that this seemingly simple action was actually extremely difficult. With his emperor-level physical strength and strength, he couldn't complete it even though he was sweating profusely.

No, it must be done!

An unspeakable anger rose in Li Kuang's heart!

Damn, why didn't I think of it?
Since this leaf of life needs the power of faith to absorb, then, his price...

Li Kuang, who had been a believer, had a strange feeling at that moment. While the heart of God was radiating life energy, as the people's devout beliefs deepened, the power of faith was pouring out endlessly to the heart of God. Come.

This so-called heart of God is like an automatic trading machine, exuding life energy, but recycling the power of faith!

The more you get, the more you give!
It's just that these believers will never know that their idols and spiritual support are actually just treating them like grazing animals.

This world is composed of food chains like pyramids, even gods are no exception!In the tower, how can one decide one's own destiny?

Those powers of faith actually contain the believers' souls, spirits, etc.!
And the energy she feeds back is actually a kind of hormone-like magical energy, which can stimulate the potential and condense the potential of believers thousands of times. It seems to be growing, but in fact, what is consumed is her endless potential and soul. When the potential of the sky is exhausted, all the souls and spirits will be extracted, which is called returning!

Do your best to squeeze the power of believers!What a veritable vampire!
Li Kuang never imagined that an existence whose strength reached the level of the Dragon Clan was also a wild beast!
In fact, compared with human beings, everyone's situation is similar!
This is also the reason why Li Kuang desperately wants to close the heart of God, and he also plans to never open this harmful thing again in the future!

Li Kuang worked as hard as he could, even adding his own soul power. After being so exhausted that he almost collapsed, he finally closed the heart of God together and terminated this weird deal!

The vast number of soldiers didn't find anything wrong at all, but were full of gratitude. The eyes they looked at Li Kuang at this moment were not only much gentler, but also showed deep admiration and expectation unabashedly!


(End of this chapter)

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