War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1808 Darkness reappears, life is in danger 1

Chapter 1808 Darkness reappears, life is in danger [-]
"This is Dragon Realm, we have come to the right place! I can feel the fluctuation of the power of time and space in the distance, which is almost exactly the same as the frequency of my Moonlight Box! It must be Xiaokuang! Except for him, no one in this world can imitate Moonlight Box The fluctuation of the box!"

Before she could stand still, Shixuan shouted excitedly like a little girl, with tears in the corners of her eyes!
Obviously, not everyone can adapt to the transformation of time and space as quickly as Shixuan, the master. The rest of them were dizzy for a while, unable to stand up while sitting on the ground. As for Menggu, she was in a coma all the time. It's because the soul has been damaged too much. Faced with this situation, everyone's cultivation is limited, so they can only give up!

But hearing Shixuan's eyes, they jumped up as if they had taken strong medicine, surrounded Shixuan tightly, and said excitedly almost in unison: "What you said is true?"

Shixuan tried to calm down her mood, pointed in one direction, nodded solemnly, and said: "Absolutely! The fluctuation in the distance is very strange, and most people probably think it is just a simple fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth, but As the owner of the Moonlight Treasure Box, I can feel the difference, which is caused by time and space artifacts like the Moonlight Treasure Box absorbing a large amount of power of time and space."

Lu Wu is more stable: "Isn't the power of time and space a kind of magical power that can only be produced when space collides to the extreme? And when the Moonlight Box absorbs it, it is often the beginning of time travel. If the fluctuation is really made by Xiao Kuang, I'm afraid something is wrong!"

As Lu Wu said, he had changed from excitement to worry.

Qing Lan asked innocently: "We have gone through time and space tribulations, and finally met Brother Li Kuang in this time and space. This is a great thing! What's wrong?"

The rest of the people also looked at the honest and loyal Lu Wu with such expressions. In their hearts, they had long regarded Lu Wu as the real big brother.

Lu Wu said with a wry smile: "You think, the timing of the appearance of the power of time and space is so special, either destroying a world or collapsing the world, and once it appears, it may cause time and space to distort, and travel through the past and the future. If the fluctuations come out, he either just traveled to this time and space or is about to travel. However, according to what Hun Peng said, Xiao Kuang obviously appeared in this Dragon Realm long ago and had contact with him, so at this moment, the power of time and space fluctuates , it is very likely that Xiao Kuang is about to leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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