War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1812 Darkness reappears, life is in danger 5

Chapter 1812 Darkness reappears, life is in danger [-]
Everyone's hearts sank, and Lu Wu gathered all his strength, ready to attack at any time.

And Shixuan, Qinglan, Liu Feng and the others had already glared at each other.

These few women, even in the fairy world full of beauties, can be regarded as rare and stunning, let alone in a barren place like Longyu.

Due to the fact that the territory of the dragon tribe is several times larger than that of the mountain and sea world, the number of dragon people living in it is less than one percent of the creatures in the mountain and sea world, and most of the time they hide in secret places to practice or sleep, and there is very little time to come out for activities .

For a city as prosperous as the City of Life, there are no more than five Dragon Domains.

Except for the big cities, it is almost impossible to find a beautiful woman in the wild, because most beautiful women live in relatively prosperous places under the blessing of their families.

Unfortunately, the location where Shixuan and the others appeared this time was at the junction of the Lie Yan family and the Wood family.

This area of ​​[-] square kilometers is the buffer zone of the two families. During this period, there are high mountains, undulating mountains, and low-lying swamps. The poisonous gas spreads. Even the Dragon Clan cannot resist it.

Moreover, the land in these places is barren and there is nothing of value, so under normal circumstances no one would come here.

Both sides are stationed at the edge of the buffer to guard against the other side's attack.

 The young man's name is Ming Zi, and he is a general of the Lieyan family stationed here. "Note, this character is played by a book friend with painstaking efforts. As for the positive role that you request, brother..."

Speaking of this Mingzi, there are some backgrounds. His father is the elder brother of Lie Wuji, the current patriarch of the Lieyan family. It's not Lie Wuji's turn either.

Lie Mingzi didn't even see his own father, but he got his father's true biography. It seemed that he had already sensed that something would happen in that war. Lie Mingzi's father had already refined an artifact, which stored With his own massive spiritual accumulation and understanding.

Therefore, Lie Mingzi used the artifact left by his father to practice at an unprecedented speed, and was hailed as the most outstanding genius in the Dragon Domain for hundreds of millions of years.

It's just a pity, but all living beings have selfish motives.

Lie Wuji was worried about his son Liejie's future development, so he had to use some despicable means to restrict Lie Mingzi everywhere, and finally sent him to such a barren place regardless of the opposition of the elders in the family.

It can be regarded as completely far away from the power center of the Lieyan family.

(End of this chapter)

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