War of the Three Realms

Chapter 188 Wilderness spirit monster, bloody battle 1

Chapter 188 Wilderness spirit monster, bloody battle 1
Liu Feng chuckled and said, "Brother Li Kuang, so you are afraid too! Hehe, but with our realm, ordinary spirit monsters will die even if they come up! I am worried that there is no place to try moves, it's better to come here!"

Li Kuang's forehead darkened: "Didn't you say that we should cherish animals and not kill them?"

Liu Feng curled his lips and said: "Spirits are born to die, they are not animals, what crime is killing them?"

Li Kuang hesitated for a moment, then said slowly, "Spirits...what are they like?"

Liufeng looked at Li Kuang in surprise, and exclaimed in disbelief as if he had discovered a new continent: "Oh my God! Brother Li Kuang, you...is this the first time you have come to the cultivation world? Do you even know spirits?"

Li Kuang's heart tightened: "Have you seen it?"

Liu Feng dryly smiled and said, "No!"

Seeing Li Kuang showing disdain, he hurriedly said: "But I have heard from my masters and sisters that this spirit is actually a product of the mountain and sea Taixu realm! In the past, the realm of cultivation and the realm of mountains and seas fought, corpses littered the fields, and blood flowed like rivers Under the leadership of Chi You, the Shanhai Realm crossed the seal several times and invaded the Cultivation Realm, burning, killing, looting and cruelty did all kinds of crimes, and left behind many offspring. The heterogeneous species produced by human intercourse."

Facing Li Kuang's shocked gaze, Liu Feng continued to show off triumphantly: "These spirits are born with powerful power, they are extremely terrifying, and they are cruel and tyrannical. They are the great enemy of our cultivators. The sect will punish you severely!"

Li Kuang asked in surprise, "How are these spirits different from us humans?"

Liufeng frowned and said, "I can't say that. The offspring produced by the combination of different species are not the same, but there is one thing that is surprisingly similar. They are full of hatred for practitioners!"

Li Kuang knew his own strength, and if he encountered such a ferocious beast, he might be in danger.

He tentatively asked now: "Brother Liufeng, if you were to face a spirit monster, how sure are you?"

Liufeng pondered and said: "It's hard to say, the strength of the spirits is also uneven, and it is difficult to draw conclusions if they are not matched, but as far as I know, there are countless spirits higher than our realm!"

"Too many?"

Li Kuang was taken aback, and secretly groaned in his heart, the strength of this fake Nascent Soul Stage of Lao Tzu is really vulnerable, wouldn't it be possible for just any ghost to clean him up?

(End of this chapter)

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