War of the Three Realms

Chapter 196 Sleepy Dragon Villa, Heroes Are Difficult 3

Chapter 196 Sleepy Dragon Villa, Heroes Are Difficult 3
Li Kuang frowned and said, "It doesn't look like it. Didn't you see the joy on their faces? Could it be that they are going to ask people to welcome us?"

Li Kuang was joking at first, but who knew that after a while, a crowd of people burst out from the gate. They danced with knives and swords, and under the leadership of an old man with a white beard, they rushed towards the two of them with surprise on their faces. .

Liu Feng was shocked and was about to pull out the flying sword.

Li Kuang hurriedly held her down, and said with a wry smile: "Can't you see that they don't have the slightest hostility?"

Liu Feng smiled embarrassedly: "I saw their aggressive looks, and thought they were going to harm us. Since my brother said that they did not have any malicious intentions, I naturally believed it."

Li Kuang's heart froze. In fact, he just subconsciously thought so based on his telepathy.

It seems that telepathy can really feel the other party's subconscious mind!
"Zuo Shouyi, the head of Kunlong Village, led all the villagers to welcome the immortal!"

The white-bearded old man was struggling even to walk, so he bent down and bowed down.

Li Kuang was shocked when he saw it. Isn't this going to shorten his life?

In a blink of an eye, he had already crossed a distance of nearly ten meters. He stretched out his hand to support Zuo Shouyi, and said, "Old man, you are too polite, you must not do this!"

The old man looked at Li Kuang, and said excitedly: "It should, it should! We have been looking forward to the arrival of the fairy elders for a long time, please talk to the village!"

Li Kuang and Liu Feng looked at each other, instinctively feeling that there was something unspeakable about Zuo Shouyi.

However, both of them are passionate young people, especially Liu Feng, who went down the mountain for the first time to practice, always thinking about doing chivalry and killing harm for the people, and so on. ?

At that moment, the two followed Zuo Shouyi to the village.

Sure enough, this place is still in the primitive society. The houses are extremely rough, all made of stones, and the tallest is only three floors, which is the Huatang of the village chief Zuo Shouyi.

A few people sat down and served coriander, while all the villagers gathered in the open space outside the lobby. Although it was winter and the cold was threatening, they all had expectant and joyful smiles on their faces, and regarded the severe cold as nothingness.

"Grandpa, the village chief, I don't know what embarrassing thing you need our help for?"

Liu Feng couldn't help but speak first, feeling extremely urgent to act chivalrously.

(End of this chapter)

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