War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1999 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle 12

Chapter 1999 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle [-]
Lu Wu was also very excited. This is probably the most powerful attack he has ever made in his life. It combined Ying Long's and his own power to achieve perfect destruction.

If one looked down from the starry sky, one would be able to see that area seemed to be boiling, with countless smoke rising instantly, and then, the entire continent seemed to sink, turning into a huge deep pit.

After the original rules are automatically restored, this area is also cut off from life and becomes a wilderness where no one stops.

"Is he... dead?"

Meng Gu's face was pale, and she stared into the distance. For her proud, she would never allow anyone to insult her.

Even if you sacrifice your life, you must maintain your dignity.

"Should be dead! I don't think anyone can survive such an intensity of destruction."

When Lu Wu said this, what was in his mind was the changed expression of Hunpeng when the final blow was struck like lightning. Inexplicably, he felt a little uncertain.

"No, he's not dead yet, I can feel the power of his soul, let's go!"

Ying Long's voice suddenly sounded anxiously.

Hearing this, Meng Gu suddenly flashed a shocking murderous look in her eyes, struggling to rush forward.

"You don't want to die! The current Hunpeng has comprehended the rules of time, which is extremely scary. We should run away, otherwise it will be too late."

Ying Long's first consideration is everyone's safety. Although he is a fighting fanatic, he can't risk his sisters-in-law.

"Brother Lu Wu, how are you? Is Hun Peng dead?"

A cheerful voice came through from a long distance, and it was Shixuan, Qinglan and Liu Feng who followed closely, and it was the innocent and romantic Qinglan who spoke.

Lu Wu's face became extremely ugly, and he looked at Menggu with a wry smile: "Your wish has come true, even if you want to leave now, it may be too late."

Although Menggu looked very weak, her astonishing murderous aura remained undiminished. This shows how deep her hatred for Hunpeng is.

This is definitely a ruthless person who must report his flaws.

Ying Long sighed, and said: "If that's the case, let's fight. With our strength, it shouldn't be difficult to hold him back. This time is enough for Shixuan and the others to escape."

Lu Wudao: "Do you think that in such a situation, with their personalities, they will abandon us and escape alone?"

Ying Long fell silent. He also knew that although these girls looked fragile, they were extremely stubborn.

(End of this chapter)

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