War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2001 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Field Battle 14

Chapter 2001 Time and space powerhouse, battle in the dragon domain [-]
Under Ying Long's control, Huo Yunjian once again unfolded its strange ability to absorb energy, but this time the ability to absorb energy was not to strengthen itself, but to unleash a more powerful attack.

After absorbing a huge amount of energy, the Huoyun Sword vibrated suddenly, pouring out together with its own energy at a terrifying speed.


The strange sound brought absolute destruction.

The space that originally exploded has been destroyed to the extreme, the space thread is twisted into a ball, and the space barrier is directly shattered into pieces. No one can retreat from such destruction.

But when the buzzing sound sounded, the blood-like dazzling red glow instantly cut through like a laser beam, splitting the space in front of it into two halves.

"Hehe, it's interesting, but it's limited to this, but trying to hurt the time-space powerhouse based on space comprehension is simply a fool's dream, and it will only increase the laughingstock."

In the glaring blood-red light, everyone stared blankly at the gangster who had been cut in two, talking freely, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

This space has already become violent to the extreme, but he seems to be deep in a playground, without the slightest sign of tension.

"Is this... the time-space powerhouse? It really is invincible!"

Hun Peng's eyes were gloomy and cold, and in everyone's surprised eyes, the body that had been cut into two by Hong Mang floated together again and combined.

"It's not a phantom, but a real entity, how is this possible?"

Lu Wu watched in surprise as Hun Peng twisted his body and stepped out of the chaotic area, feeling unreal in his heart.

"Don't be confused by him, labor and management don't believe that he is really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang!"

Under furious rage, Ying Long burst out with foul language.

Under his control, the sky full of blood lights suddenly turned into countless blood needles, and poured madly towards Hunpeng. In an instant, the blood arrows rained down, enveloping Hunpeng from all directions.

In the sky, there is an extremely magnificent scene, the picture of hundreds of millions of red lights shooting continuously, just like the red sun bursting out with thousands of rays when it first rises, it gives people a shocking feeling.

And Hun Peng's brows finally frowned for it.

In fact, he is not as strong as he appears on the surface. If it is true that time and space can't hurt him, he doesn't need to fret like this, and he just cleans up everyone and asks for credit from his master.

The energy consumed by using "Mie" is extremely terrifying, and even a strong man who controls time and space will not dare to be careless in the face of time and space storms.

The so-called control of time and space refers to when time and space are calm, he can use his own perception to distort time and space and make small changes. It is not like he can turn back time as imagined, and the world is under his control.

Then, it can only be the patent of the God of Creation!
And when the space-time storm is formed, it is the most dangerous time, even the strong who have already come into contact with the rules of time, dare not fall into it casually.

There is no other reason, because in this time period, everything is unknown.

Otherwise, with his understanding and application of space rules, wouldn't he be able to get out of danger with just a teleportation?
But in fact, he didn't dare to make mistakes. As the number one thug under the Lord of Darkness, he naturally knew the current situation better than ordinary people.

One wrong step, but it will be beyond redemption.

Facing the attack like a torrential rain, Hun Peng frowned slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you! Hmph, even if your strength is damaged, I will destroy you today!"

Although forcibly mobilizing the original power is not a small burden on the current self, but at the moment he can't take care of that much anymore.

A terrifying aura rises with the rhythm of his fingers, and even the darkness in the sky seems to be hard to resist, spreading millions of miles in an instant.

The entire city of Bonn was shrouded in this terrifying aura, and countless dragons screamed and knelt down under this irresistible pressure, panicking.

The strength of the space-time powerhouse is fully unleashed, which is really amazing.

Both Lu Wu and Ying Long were shocked. It turned out that this bastard really hid his strength. It seems that he wanted to play a game of cat and mouse before, but now everyone has teamed up to create a real fire. If it drags on, one can imagine how terrifying his next attack will be.

What Hun Peng didn't know was that with the eruption of his terrifying aura, almost all the strong men in this area were alarmed at the same time.

"It's such a powerful aura, it's actually surpassed the aura of the peak of the emperor, and it's a little familiar, who could it be?"

Beside the teleportation formation somewhere in the distance, Li Kuang and his party, who were about to teleport, all paused, feeling the direction of the powerful explosion in amazement, and instantly, almost everyone had a look of fear on their faces .

At this moment in Longyu, almost all the emperor-level powerhouses have found their home, and the competition for the masters of several major forces has temporarily come to an end, but at this time there is a strange breath, isn't it surprising?
"It seems to be within the range of Bonn City, which is a million kilometers away. Where the area is remote and the aura is thin, it seems that there shouldn't be strong people!"

Elder Yang Wei narrowed his small eyes, and his cold light flashed away.

(End of this chapter)

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