War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2007 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle 21

Chapter 2007 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle [-]
It is a transcendent means of jumping out of the space and wantonly changing the mud and sand buildings on the beach!

This is the ultimate use of space!

What this trick uses is the power of the space origin directly from the Lord God of Darkness, without the support of the Lord God of Darkness, it cannot be completed at all.

The scene at this moment is extremely strange, the outer space is completely shattered, and it is extremely violent, but the place where Hun Peng is is surprisingly calm.

There was no movement at all, just like a dead zone.

Although Lu Wu's inner alchemy forcibly melted the space deeply into a terrifying hole, it stopped strangely after meeting Mie.


Before Lu Wu's big mouth could close in mid-air, blood spurted out like a waterfall. As he advanced, it fluttered, dyed half of the sky red, and deeply touched the softest part of everyone's heart. They couldn't help but let out a shrill exclamation.

"Go! Go, otherwise their sacrifice will be meaningless."

Meng Gu's heart was shaking, but she still shouted coldly, she understood that if it was too late, maybe everyone would stay here forever.

Hun Peng's strength has actually improved a lot compared to when he was in the underworld.

In the eyes of the three women, Lu Wu has always been the image of the eldest brother. During this period of getting along, they have long regarded him as their relative.

Seeing that he risked his life to attack just to create a chance for everyone to escape, the grief and emotion in his heart can't be added.

At the same time, a strange emotion grew in his heart.

In the eye sockets of the three women, the raging flames of war were burning almost at the same time.

"Okay, since we're going to die, let's die together and fight!"

Qing Lan and Liu Feng's eyes were red, and at the same time they unsealed Shi Xuan's seal. Under Meng Gu's horrified and puzzled eyes, they turned around and rushed towards the center of chaos!

Qing Lan threw Meng Gu down without hesitation, twisted her body, and shot into the air like a sharp arrow.

crazy!Are you crazy!

Meng Gu watched this scene in disbelief, and stomped her feet fiercely!

Lu Wu's mind and inner alchemy are closely connected. If the inner alchemy is blocked, he will naturally suffer backlash.

As soon as Pu came into contact with the invisible wave, Lu Wu's heart felt cold, because in an instant, he felt that one tenth of the energy in his inner alchemy had disappeared strangely!

How huge is one-tenth of the energy of an emperor-level master?It is not difficult to destroy the space under the full burst.

However, when he was in contact with invisible fluctuations, he disappeared without a trace like this, wouldn't it shock him?
(End of this chapter)

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