War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2012 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle 26

Chapter 2012 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle [-]
The Opening God Art is one of the three axes of Pangu, it is infinitely powerful, it has the power to open up the world, and it requires a huge amount of energy, which is also jaw-dropping.

With just one blow, Li Kuang's spirit was emptied!
However, at this moment, Li Kuang didn't have any scruples, flipped his hands over, and a "Good Fortune Pill" was quietly delivered to his mouth.

With the super divine pill that can instantly replenish the spirit of an emperor-level master, why would Li Kuang hesitate?
"Hunpeng, even if you are covered by the Lord God of Darkness, you will definitely die today!"

Amid Li Kuang's sneer, another ax appeared in his hand, exactly the same as the previous one, and he took a deep breath, and threw the ax again!

Hun Peng's complexion suddenly changed. He could feel the terrifying energy contained in the axe, which was almost equal to the energy of the previous self-destruct of the soul body.

And the self-destruction of the soul body appeared to be unscathed on the surface, but in fact, it had already consumed a large part of his spirit.

But now, he has used "Mie" twice in a row, which has caused great damage to himself, and he will never dare to use it again in a short time.

Therefore, now he can only choose to fight head-on with the other party. Just relying on his own physical strength, it is definitely not what the other party can hold.

His son is one of the four ancient holy beasts famous in the Three Realms, and one can imagine how powerful Hun Peng's body is.

It's just that since ancient times, no one has seen it.

Facing such a terrifying attack, Hun Peng didn't dare to be careless. In the blink of his long and narrow eyelids, the space in front of his eyes split apart soundlessly, as if being cut by a super artifact like the Celestial Axe, bursting out A huge crack in space slammed into the ax thrown by Li Kuang!

Such a strange way of attack immediately made the hearts of Elder Yang Wei and his party tremble, and felt a chill spread up.

The eyes can actually turn into a sharp blade that cuts the space apart, oh my god!What kind of monster is this guy?

The most frightening thing is the collision between the space crack and the God Axe, but seeing the two stalemate for less than a second, terrifying fluctuations have already surged, just like a strong wind blowing on the surface of a lake, shocking waves surged in an instant!
The space surges like a wave?
Everyone was horrified, even if they were emperor-level powerhouses, they couldn't help cursing inwardly as a pervert, and quickly dodged.

Lu Wu had already received Li Kuang's instruction, and took the four daughters away quietly.

In the eyes of emperor-level masters, even if they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, there is not much difference from being in front of them, and the divine sense can perfectly reproduce all the scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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