War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2026 Phantom Realm Cry, Wheel Chapter Divine Eye 8

Chapter 2026 Illusion and horror, reincarnation god eyes [-]
"My life is over!"

Facing the terrifying wind of time and space, Li Kuang sighed softly, his eyes were filled with unwillingness and despair, and then he closed them gently!
The wind of time and space is pervasive, and the spaceship disintegrates instantly, turning into nothingness.

At the same time, the bone-piercing coldness also rose from the bottom of my heart, making people feel cold all over.

Hey, what's going on, I'm fine, how is it possible?

Li Kuang's eyes that had just been closed suddenly opened, looking at the situation in front of him in disbelief.

At this moment, there is nothingness around, deep and boundless, the wind of time and space is like hundreds of millions of space artifacts cutting horizontally and vertically, and the frenzy is unbearable.

Through the slightest gap, Li Kuang could even feel that this seemingly integrated space-time illusion turned out to be like a condensed torrent of time and space, and even in a palm-sized space, there were several time-space interlaced.

In the chaos here, even if the body reaches the state of Dzogchen, I am afraid that it will be directly split into pieces by countless split time and space.

But what shocked Li Kuang was that although he was in the center of the riot, he was safe and sound.

Because a circle of faint white light was enveloping him, and the extremely strong breath of life made people feel so comfortable that they wanted to cheer loudly.

Life guard!

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the life protection given to him by the Goddess of Life turned out to be effective. For a moment, Li Kuang felt extremely strange in his heart.

I don't know what kind of artifact this life guard is, but it can resist the cutting of countless cracks in time and space. Li Kuang is in it, like riding in a small boat, drifting with the storm.

It is actually a world of its own, no wonder it is so magical.

Li Kuang's eyes were like torches, and he immediately began to analyze the composition of the space in front of him.

However, this perspective surprised Li Kuang. This thing that looks like a leaf turned out to be a magical space.

Although this space is a bit small, its complete space rules and super strong protection ability make people dare not underestimate it. At least, Li Kuang's Ice Flame Domain is far behind.

Following the south wind, it drifted along an unknown trajectory for a full three days before the south wind gradually weakened, and the shattered time and space fragments became less and less.

Until it finally disappears completely.

At this moment, the illusion of time and space has once again restored its original calm.

No one would have imagined that this so-called time-space illusion is actually composed of countless changing time-spaces, and this strange space is also incredibly fragile. Just a little fluctuation can trigger a terrifying space-time storm and wipe everything out.

(End of this chapter)

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