War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2028 Phantom Realm Cry, Wheel Chapter Divine Eye 10

Chapter 2028 Illusionary horror, reincarnation eyes [-]

Only the protection of life can resist the cutting of the external force of time and space.

Li Kuang gritted his teeth and tentatively lost his chaotic divine power to the mask, but what made him depressed was that the mask actually rejected his energy.

This life force is really miraculous, even repelling his own chaotic divine power.

Doesn't this power belong to the wood-type divine power in the five-element divine power?

Doubts arose in Li Kuang's mind, but there was nothing he could do about it, as if he could not borrow the power from the guardian of life, and this replenishment of divine power was also futile.

Could it be that he was really going to be torn into billions of pieces by the cracks in time and space, and turned into dust like Hun Peng cursed?
Li Kuang frowned, even if he entered "enlightenment", he couldn't find any solution.

But at this time, the light mask is getting weaker and fainter, and it is about to disappear, and the fluctuations outside have also begun to become violent, a prelude to the approaching storm.

Being exposed at this moment is simply attracting the storm to break out in advance.

How to do?
Forget it, the right to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, try the soul power.

A fierce light flashed in Li Kuang's eyes, he gritted his teeth, and directly exported his soul power.

But when soul power was injected into the mask, a miracle finally happened.

The soul power that seemed to contain poison was easily injected into the mask, and the mask that was about to dissipate suddenly shone brightly.

It's just that there is a touch of black on the mask this time.

In the intertwining of black and white, Li Kuang suddenly discovered that the mask had quietly changed, and the originally illusory defensive mask had become much more solid.

God will not kill me!

Li Kuang was overjoyed, and immediately poured his soul power into the mask like money.

The mask became more and more solid, and finally turned into a solid existence, and because the soul power accounted for the majority, the whole showed a strange pattern.

With the strength of this hybrid mask, Li Kuang believes that it is enough to allow him to reach the pipeline.

It's just that although this mask is powerful, it also consumes a lot. Li Kuang's soul power was not much left, and it was almost transported at one time. If it was not replenished in time by the Creation Pill, it would be a lot of fun.

Even though Li Kuang has reached the Great Consummation of his soul and condensed a piece of godhead, he still can't withstand such consumption.

Since it is about to reach the pipeline, a mask of this level is sufficient.

However, when Li Kuang was about to cut off the input of soul power, he discovered a fact that horrified him.

He couldn't stop the transmission of soul power!

(End of this chapter)

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