War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2055 The ultimate mystery, the gate of life and death 2

Chapter 2055 The ultimate mystery, the gate of life and death [-]
It seems that even if their strength is suppressed, these two are still masters.

The goddess snorted, and her body flew into the air, a little faster than when she was attacking.

Li Kuang's heart suddenly sank, secretly screaming that something was wrong.

This day the Venerable seemed to be a stubborn stubble. He passively responded to the challenge, but he didn't move at all. On the contrary, the goddess was sent flying.

The Goddess was shocked by this, but the hazy look on her face became much lighter, revealing a face that is all over the country.

But in the blink of an eye, white mist gushed out, covering his face.

However, Li Kuang's eyes are so powerful that he has seen all this clearly for a long time. Suddenly, his face became extremely weird, obviously extremely shocked, and he murmured: "How is it possible?"

The goddess didn't have time to pay attention to Li Kuang at this moment, and she was furious in her frustrated heart, vowing to wipe out this arrogant and ignorant outsider!
Not only because of his status as an outsider, but more because of an offense to her dignity.

As a goddess, except for a very small number of existences, who would dare to disrespect her?

"Space Cage!"

Venus sneered coldly, and quickly concluded the handprints. Although it was a shadow, it could be seen that his technique was extremely proficient, like a butterfly wearing flowers, full of an elegant beauty.

What is puzzling is that the Venerable Heavenly Venerable was not in a hurry to attack, but watched Venus with a sneer, showing a hint of disdain.

As one of the main gods, Venus' understanding of space has reached the pinnacle. Except for the main god of darkness, no one else can match her.

This handprint was also completed in an instant, and the talismans turned into brilliant white light, entangled together like a transparent fishing net.

Although this spatial cage is a very common move, its power is also extremely terrifying when used by a powerhouse of the goddess level.

Theoretically, as long as Venus points to the Venerable Sky, this spatial cage will change the surrounding spatial rules, forming a rule that is exclusive to her.

But when she pointed at the Heavenly Venerable, the expected situation did not happen. Not only did the fishnet-like talisman circle not have any effect, but it was extinguished like a flame meeting a strong wind!
When such a bloody scene happened, both Li Kuang and Venus were stunned.

"Ahahaha, how childish, let alone you, the space here, even if the king of the gods comes, I'm afraid it won't be shaken. It's a joke to want to use the space rules here."

It turned out that the reason why he was not in a hurry was because he knew that the rules here could not be applied, and he sincerely watched the goddess' jokes.

(End of this chapter)

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