War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2060 The ultimate mystery, the gate of life and death 7

Chapter 2060 The ultimate mystery, the gate of life and death [-]
Venus felt a little complicated. After all, she was created by the great god named Samps. Hearing Venerable Feng slander her father like this, she naturally felt uncomfortable, but she wanted to know everything about the father god.

Such a secret was originally impossible for her to come into contact with in her whole life, but now she has the opportunity to know it, so it is naturally full of attraction.

Even the God of Creation was destroyed, what kind of terrifying existence is this?

"How did Father God fall? You know that, right?"

Venus felt her voice tremble a little.

Venerable Wind was silent for a while, and then sighed: "Yes, I know! But so what? Even knowing it is useless. Sampus must have wanted me to help him when he called at the last moment. , It's just that the opponent's shot was so fast that there was no time to teleport, and I was trapped in this barren place and couldn't get out."

Li Kuang frowned, secretly horrified in his heart, and had a new understanding of the terrifying existence in the era of God's Punishment. The teleportation channel established between Venerable Feng and Samps is extremely magical. As long as the other party is willing, even if they are separated No matter how far away, it can be teleported to another person in an instant!
But the dignified Chuangshi Shen couldn't even last this little time, which only shows that the enemy's strength is completely beyond imagination!

And the reason why such a strange existence is formed here is probably related to this great god.

According to the information Li Kuang got from No. [-], before that distant era of divine punishment, the God Realm was a thriving scene.

The entire God Realm is divided into two races: the Creation God Race and the Destroyer God Race. They are not ordinary gods, but gods with infinite creation.

During this period, the creation gods created a total of [-] false worlds, that is to say, [-] great creation gods were born!
What an astonishing achievement?
And the Chuangshi God is almost immortal because of the backing of the false world, and no one can control it!

The pseudo-world only serves the Chuangshi God alone.

If you go forward, you can use the power of the whole world for yourself, if you retreat, you can stick to it, and outsiders will not be able to enter it.

Even if you can barely enter, you will be suppressed by the rules set by the Creator God, and your strength will be weakened by a thousand times.

Entering with such strength, how can he be the opponent of the Creator God who has the power of the entire world?

It can be said that having a pseudo-world is already invincible, which also caused the creation gods to become arrogant and arrogant.

Moreover, in order to increase strength, regardless of ecology, they plundered resources crazily and greedily, because once plundered into their own world, they belonged to private individuals.

(End of this chapter)

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