War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2065 The ultimate mystery, the gate of life and death 12

Chapter 2065 The ultimate mystery, the gate of life and death [-]

Seeing the damage caused by the divine arrow, not only Venus' face changed drastically, but even Li Kuang himself looked incredible.

I didn't expect that after the power intensified, the power would be so terrifying. It seems that the legend that the Heavenly Tribulation Shooting the Sun God Arrow can destroy the star field when pushed to the extreme may be true.

After the explosion, the middle part suddenly sank, and everything around it gathered crazily, forming a huge vortex in an instant, and finally upgraded to a black hole.

The outside of the entire passage is almost within the power range of the black hole. The endless space is absorbed and disappears like a stone thrown into the sea. The huge and unparalleled energy ripples are endlessly surging, which is spectacular.

"Hahaha, it's done, let's see how you come back now!"

Li Kuang staggered forward a few steps, and his legs suddenly made a shocking rattling sound, bleeding continuously, as if they were broken.

But he stubbornly supported the rock on one side and tried to stand up, his eyes were shining with unyielding light.

Venus asked in surprise, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Li Kuang nodded and said: "This Venerable Feng obviously has a better understanding of space than we do. The force of nothingness from the outside world can't harm him at all. Even if the magic arrow chases him, it may have no effect. It's better to seal the door. Safe for now, at least."

Venus looked at Li Kuang, with an incomprehensible light shining in his eyes.

Li Kuang smiled slightly: "You don't need to call my attention, we can only unite temporarily now, as I expected, the black hole cannot exist forever, and the moment the black hole disappears, it will be us and Venerable Wind. Time to fight again."

Venus said coldly: "You're smart, don't worry, I'm not stupid, you and I alone are no match for him, without me, you probably wouldn't be able to launch any attack that could threaten him."

Li Kuang wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's good that you understand, I don't want to have a second thing like before."

Venus naturally knew what Li Kuang was talking about. At that time, she really planned to kill Li Kuang. Who knew that Li Kuang's fate was so hard that he survived the impact.

After that, she escaped under the blow of Venerable Feng with all her strength, and finally even turned against Venerable Feng to force Venerable Feng away. Such miraculous deeds made her dare not despise Li Kuang any more.

Nodding, it can be regarded as agreeing with Li Kuang as a companion, but Venus stretched out her hand: "Since I am a companion, you should share the divine crystals that replenish your divine power with me! You also know that the depletion of divine power here There is no way to supplement it later, if Venerable Feng attacks again, the problem will be serious."

Li Kuang was not in a hurry, and said calmly: "It's natural. Now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope. If one dies, the other will not be able to escape! But I think the most important thing at present is to adapt to the immediate environment. But I can't bear this thousand times the pressure!"

Venus didn't get the god crystal immediately, she was a little unhappy, and said coldly: "What do you want?"

"Go forward! Since you are here, you should see the so-called gate of life and death with your own eyes."

Seeing Li Kuang being so determined, Venus sneered in her heart. This kid must want to see what he found, and he probably had the same thoughts as herself.

However, since the discovery of Venerable Wind, the expectations for this place have weakened a lot.

After all, if there were any secrets, Venerable Wind would have been able to catch them long ago!
Regardless of whether the secret of the Creator God is hidden here, the two have no way out and can only move forward step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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