War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2082 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead 7

Chapter 2082 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead [-]

In Li Kuang's eyes, all energy and matter are automatically filtered, and there is only one kind of existence in the whole world, and that is the breath of living beings!

The bloody mist disappeared, the power of nothingness disappeared, and all obstacles became invisible. In Li Kuang's eyes, only two light clusters existed.

That white light group is naturally the goddess Venus, and that bloody light group...

With a thought in Li Kuang's mind, the bloody light cluster in front of his eyes suddenly enlarged, and the hazy color disappeared, revealing every detail.

That turned out to be a person!

The man was naked without an inch of hunchback, like a blood-colored crystal, exuding a halo, giving people a strange artistic beauty, sitting cross-legged on a blood-colored lotus platform, the blood-colored lotus is lifelike, nine pieces are equally fiery red The spiritual leaves on his body moved slightly, as if they were breathing, and the endless blood-colored energy around them swirled towards the lotus platform, endlessly.

This kind of absorption is terrifying, it seems that the energy of the entire blood pool is gathered together through the lotus platform!
Under Li Kuang's divine eyes, the blood was like strands of energy threads, intertwined with each other, spreading thousands of feet away, astonishingly connecting the entire blood pool into a whole.

What Li Kuang was shocked was not this, but that person and that person had energy fluctuations that were completely different from this world!

He is also an outsider!
As if sensing Li Kuang's peeping, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately, two blood-colored streaks burst out, flushing away all the blood and creating a shocking wave of blood.

Its ferocious aura soared into the sky, and it was even more terrifying than Hun Peng's attack that made his eyes materialize. The whole pool of blood seemed to sway violently while his eyes were open.

And Venus, who suppressed the bloody water column with one blow, also froze secretly, a trace of solemnity appeared in her eyes.

"Is it finally coming out?"


The blood and water suddenly parted, and the man jumped up from the rosette, took a big step, and disappeared hundreds of feet away. Seeing Li Kuang's eyes suddenly tightened, he cried out in surprise: "Teleportation! How could he be here?" Teleportation, have you mastered the space rules here?"

Different spaces have different rules, and the rules of space are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Just like here, the complexity of the rules of space is far higher than that of other places. Even the space powerhouse who has mastered the rules may not be able to comprehend.

So it is absolutely impossible to completely master other people's rules.

But this blood man uses teleportation here. Could it be that this space is his territory?

(End of this chapter)

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