War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2091 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead 16

Chapter 2091 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead [-]
In the vortex, countless spikes suddenly appeared, making the whole vortex look like a meat grinder, vowing to strangle Han Yumu to pieces.

The teeth-stinging violent breaking sound continued to be heard, and under the high degree of condensed energy, they had completely turned into entities, and when they touched each other, they brought great vibrations.

Circle after circle of energy ripples spread out, one wave stronger than the other, bursting out far away in all directions.

Without the barrier of the space defense cover, the power of this energy storm is fully displayed.

The mountain that was as hard as iron was cut off like tofu, and was thrown far away, strangled into nothingness by the messy storm.

If Li Kuang hadn't dived deep enough, he might have ended up with the rocks on the mountain.

After the storm, within a hundred miles around the entire blood pool, there was no object higher than the blood pool, as smooth as a knife.

very scary!
This level of destructive power is enough to threaten this specially made space.

Boom boom boom!
After a brief pause, greater fluctuations suddenly erupted, centering on the place where the two fought, the storm surged like a tsunami, and erupted in all directions like a destructive force, plowing countless deep trenches.

"Finally I can't take it anymore! Hahaha, I didn't expect a little god in a fake world to push me to this point. You are as hateful as your father god. Now, let us die together!"

Han Yu laughed wildly, and his voice spread far away.

"Hmph, you don't have the qualifications to die together! The life roulette refines the sky and melts the earth! Melt!"

Venus also showed a crazy state at this moment, without any hesitation, she directly used her ultimate trick.

This is the ultimate move that integrates her own spirit and rules. Regardless of whether she can control the enemy or not, it will do her a lot of damage.

However, if the blood essence can be obtained, all these sacrifices will undoubtedly be worthwhile.

Puchi Puchi!

Essence and blood gushed out like money, directly injected into the tree of life, and through the increase of the tree of life, the vortex appeared more solid.

Sisi Si!
The spikes turned into substance, turning into long white arrows, which made a sharp piercing sound, and shot towards the bloody lotus platform like rain.

On the blood-colored lotus platform, blood-colored energy gushed out like a tide, enveloping Han Yu in it, and during the rotation, blood-colored long arrows as thick as a child's arm were continuously ejected.

All of a sudden, white and red continued to turmoil and annihilate, and the impact of energy caused the space to crack and open cracks, which was in danger.

This is completely a war of attrition, and it depends on whose energy is strong and who can persevere until the end.

However, due to mutual restraint, Venus consumes much less than Han Yumu, but Han Yumu has a blood-colored lotus platform, which contains countless energies, and it is not easy for Venus to win.

The two suddenly fell into a stalemate.

"Han Yu is confused, give up! The power of the Father God is beyond your control. If you are willing to submit to me, I promise not to hurt your life, and I can also make you the main god of this world, only under me ,how?"

Venus launched a psychological offensive. Blood essence is the foundation of the world. If it is damaged, she will be very distressed. It would be best if she can save blood.

Han Yu was confused but laughed boldly, full of disdain and hatred.

"It seems that you don't know the true origin of this blood pool! Do you really think that your so-called Father God is a good bird? Hmph! This blood pool is actually not a divine weapon, but a magical tool, which absorbs the essence and blood of living beings. As for growth, if you get it, it will backfire immediately and devour your wisdom, and at that time, no one in the Three Realms will be able to control it."

(End of this chapter)

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