War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2096 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead 21

Chapter 2096 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead [-]
Sanders built the blood pool under the suggestion of the demon soul, and set up the blood river formation to make it an evil device, imprisoning the deceived gods and men here. They kept extracting their blood and souls day and night.

Using these spirits and spirits, Sanders' world is constantly improving, and his strength is also growing rapidly.

Saunders, who had tasted the sweetness, became even more frenzied and began to murder his friends. His mind has become extremely evil, and he only wants to obtain the most powerful power to realize his dream.

The reason why this world is so perfect and powerful is actually the flesh and blood of countless gods and men.

The pseudo-world is actually a kind of grazing, the ultimate grazing!

The blood pool absorbs the spirit power and blood essence of the gods and people, and injects them into the world, making the creatures in the world grow rapidly. They reproduce, develop, practice and evolve, and also make the power of the whole world increase rapidly, transforming into Sanders in disguise. Increase energy.

The two complement each other and seem to be good.

As more and more gods and men fell, the demon soul gradually grew stronger. In fact, Sanders had been completely controlled by it, and it was ridiculous that he didn't know it.

However, with the passage of time, more and more gods realized that something was wrong, and many gods who created fake worlds apparently also discovered the secret recipe for rapid growth of strength.

So all of a sudden, the originally harmonious and peaceful God Realm was completely broken. Driven by interests, selfish desires began to expand. The so-called friends and relatives became the nourishment in his eyes.

The first battle for resources in the God Realm was born from this, and it intensified. The strength of the creation gods grew rapidly, and they had already left the gods and men of the same level far behind. If you are in the world, you can instantly mobilize the power of the whole world to serve yourself, which can be said to be immortal!
Without any scruples, they also gradually became crazy, not only crazily absorbing divine energy to evolve the world, but also trying every means to ambush other gods and draw their blood to consolidate the world.

The other gods were unwilling to sit still, and the war unfolded without any suspense.

In such a chaotic era where demons dance wildly and everyone is in danger, the ultimate killer of the universe finally appeared!

He first killed all his own people, and with this inscription, vowed to restore the purity of the world, and then carried out a massacre, and all the creatures he saw fell under his butcher knife!

Faced with this cosmic madman who suddenly appeared, the creation gods dismissed him at first, thinking about how to catch him and extract his vast divine power for their own use.

But this madman completely shattered the dream of immortality of the creator gods by virtue of his powerful strength!
(End of this chapter)

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