War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2199 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War 42

Chapter 2199 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War [-]

"Wonderful, Your Majesty is indeed as insidious and venomous as ever. She really deserves to be a god hatched by the rules of the origin, without the slightest emotion. She is so cold-blooded, and she is indeed very suitable to be a god of creation. But it's a pity, the bulls and sheep in your eyes are the gods. It's the one I want to protect. Then, let's fight!"

In Li Kuang's indifferent words, there is a fighting spirit soaring to the sky. In the front of the Heavenly Tribulation Shooting the Sun God Arrow, the space has turned into a ripple like flowing water, and everything around it has been squeezed by such a strong force, and it has all turned into nothingness. , beside Li Kuang, there was nothing.

Venus couldn't help but feel a little pale, the space here is under her control, but Li Kuang's random stop is to push away all the rules and pressures.

That kind of natural noble aura made him look like a high-ranking emperor patrolling his own territory, and everything in the world would shy away from him.

Although this world is under the control of Venus, Li Kuang forcibly opened up a space field of his own by virtue of his supernatural power.

"Li Kuang, don't be crazy, let me show you the true power of the Wheel of Fortune today."

The wheel of destiny spins rapidly, instantly transforming into a huge vortex, everything around is rushing in crazily, directly forming a terrifying wind column, winding towards Li Kuang.

Li Kuang sneered and said, "The sky-tribulation-shooting-the-sun arrow is invincible. Even if you can instantly construct your own time and space, you can't withstand the damage beyond your capacity. Go."

The "Three Talents of Chaos Shooting the Sun Arrow" silently broke through the space in front of him, ignoring the space rules and obstacles set up by the other party, as if teleporting, directly crossed these obstacles and appeared in front of Venus.

There, it is the terrifying vortex generated by the wheel of fortune.

This vortex is driven by the souls of countless dragons, and it has a fatal temptation to the soul, but this is obviously not enough for Li Kuang, not to mention that his soul has already condensed into a godhead, and it is only because of its fusion of the power of nothingness. It is not affected by these relatively low-level soul charms.

However, once such an attack is launched, it will be difficult to preserve the living souls stored in the wheel of fortune. However, there is no way to do it. To succeed, sacrifices are required.

The unique time and space made up of living souls is extremely strange, as long as you take a look at it, you are in danger of getting lost in it immediately.

Chi Chi Chi.

The spikes rotated, and in the vortex, like a meat grinder turned on, any existence that entered was instantly strangled or disintegrated, and then merged into the life wheel.


This time, Li Kuang didn't wait for the "Three Talents of Chaos to Shoot the Sun Arrow" to approach the vortex before detonating it, because once entering the unique time and space, the attack would be out of his control, and destroying it at the edge is undoubtedly the best choice.


There is a trace of Li Kuang's spiritual thoughts in the arrow formation, so it can be easily controlled. This explosion, a huge golden beam of light rushes out from the front, like an indestructible laser. Where the beam of light shines, everything that exists is instantly vaporized Li Kuang was also dumbfounded by that level of power. It really deserves to be a super powerful attack that can destroy planets.

Countless living souls were turned into nothingness under this blow, and the berserk impact even shattered the vortex.
The collision shook violently.

(End of this chapter)

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