War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2202 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War 45

Chapter 2202 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War [-]

Not good, this contains [-]% of the enhanced version of the chaotic three-talented sun-shooting arrow, which is too powerful, especially the third level, which is almost ten times more powerful than the first level. This kind of power is enough to destroy the space thread. The space is completely destroyed.

Because the space thread contains the rules of creation, generally speaking, it can be temporarily destroyed. However, under the influence of its rules, the destroyed space thread will automatically recover. However, with the triple power of the three arrows at this moment, the space thread is destroyed. .It is true total destruction.

The whole space is like a whole, if one place is damaged, the energy from other places will flow to repair it and restore it to a whole, but if a place is completely destroyed and can no longer be repaired, then it will be a kind of damage to the whole space, What's more, it will directly lead to the cracks getting bigger and bigger, and finally the whole collapses.

Because Venus suddenly escaped into the illusion of time and space, the three-talented arrow array lost its target and could only rush forward inertially, and the target was the city of raging fire.

Li Kuang also felt all this in an instant, and burst into tears and laughter. Destroying the entire space was definitely not his original intention.

Gritting his teeth, a flash of determination flashed in Li Kuang's eyes. Forget it, let's not care about right or wrong for now, there must be no problems in this space, otherwise, it will not only be a problem of the survival of hundreds of millions of living beings. No one will survive.


The situation at this moment is somewhat like a child holding a nuclear bomb and shooting randomly, it is completely out of control.

Li Kuang's divine sense attached to it was too weak, and it was almost impossible to control the direction of the Sancai Arrow Array.


Li Kuang also went crazy. At a critical moment, he completely ignored the fact that the Dragon Clan was the sworn enemy of the Eastern God Realm. At this moment, he saw only countless creatures who were about to be destroyed, without any concept of race or region.

Since I once vowed to let the living beings of the three worlds have a chance to freely choose their future, then all living beings in the world must be treated equally.

The godhead that accompanied Li Kuang through countless dangers and helped him save himself from danger many times exploded in an instant, turned into countless fragments, and disintegrated in an instant.

The diamond-shaped pupils were blazing with flames, and the endless nebula swirled, spreading out suddenly, as if energy spread along the "network" of divine eyes in an instant, covering the entire world, and also instantly enveloped the huge golden light that had turned into a hundred miles in radius ball.

At this moment, the Sancai Arrow Array has undergone three explosions and has been completely deformed. Not only has its volume skyrocketed countless times, reaching a size of a hundred miles, but it has also completely turned into a huge ball of light emitting endless golden light.

As the ball of light advances, the surrounding space shatters one after another, followed by endless cracks and hurricanes, destroying everything around it.

What's even more frightening is that this terrifying huge ball of light is flying towards Raging Fire City along the established trajectory.

Although it is a million miles away from Raging Fire, the speed of the golden ball of light is unimaginable. Among the most prosperous metropolises in Longyu.

(End of this chapter)

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