War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2214 Repeated offender in Longyu, fleeing 10

Chapter 2214 Repeated offender in Longyu, fleeing [-]
When she said this, Venus couldn't help thinking of the message from the Father God about the eternal immortality of the Goddess of God when she merged with the Lord God of Darkness, and her brows were tightly frowned.

Isn't God the Father afraid that the gods in the lower world are too powerful to deceive the Lord?Why set up such an information seal?Could it be that he already knew that I had the ambition to dominate the Three Realms, so he asked me to go to the space-time fault channel to find the demon soul?
And after devouring the darkness, he broke the news of the Holy Maiden of God again, leading himself to crazily capture the Holy Maiden.

All this, is it really just a coincidence?

Venus herself advocates conspiracy theories and never believes in coincidences. Besides, there are so many coincidences, which makes her feel chills every time she thinks about it.

This is also one of the reasons why she is so cautious and wary of demon souls everywhere, otherwise, with her ambition, is there any reason why she should not be moved by power?
Hmph, I have always been the only one who plots against others, and no one can plot against me, not even God the Father!

The Dragon Field Contest finally came to a successful conclusion, and a dark horse stood out. He was the heartthrob Long Xuan with a cold appearance, wise eyes, and powerful strength!

Great Elder Yang Wei looked at Long Xuan standing on the stage, accepting the applause of hundreds of millions of dragons, his eyes shrank slightly, the gloomy light flashed away, and his fists were clenched.

"People in the intelligence department are idiots, and they don't even know about such a big thing. This Long Xuan is obviously that demon Long Xuanyuan. I really don't know who gave him the courage to stand in front of us openly."

The elder in charge of information immediately said: "Reporting to the great elder, this person is Long Xuan, the deputy leader of the Dark Alliance. Ever since you, elder, called on the entire Dragon Realm to unite and unanimously speak to the outside world, the Dark Alliance has been made public. Now everyone belongs to each other." Allied brothers from different camps, so..."

"He is obviously a spy of the demon clan, isn't that enough reason to kill him?"

Great Elder Yang Wei loomingly became the head of the entire Longyu, his power became more and more bullish day by day, and his voice became louder and louder.

The elder smiled wryly and said: "Elder, you know the current situation. Although our wood family occupies a large share in the alliance, it is an alliance after all, and various forces are entangled. The Lieyan family has publicly expressed support Long Xuan, their overall strength has surpassed ours."

Elder Yang Wei looked at the elder with gloomy eyes, and said in a deep voice: "What you said is true? They actually united against us? Can't the dozens of emperor-level masters of our wood family family deter them?"

"Since this is the case, let's show them some color, and let's kill a few emperor-level masters first."

"Elder, no! That Long Xuanyuan's strength is terrifying. Among the wood family, you are probably the only Great Elder who can fight him."

The elder touched the sweat on his forehead, but he didn't dare to say, in fact, many elders of the family went to duel with Long Xuanyuan, and those who came back were either injured or disabled, and none of them were safe.

The overall strength is incomparable, and the support is also incomparable. Could it be that he just watched the enemy at ease?

Elder Yang Wei slapped the table angrily, and said angrily, "For the sake of the family, let him be free for a while. When the Eastern Expedition is over, I, Yang Wei, will take his life!"

The intelligence elder was stunned, this is the Great Elder Yang Wei?I thought you would stand up for the family and go find that devil to fight for life and death!

Being able to bend and stretch, he really deserves to be the Great Elder!
Such a result actually severely stimulated the great elder's rapidly expanding ambitions, but he also knew that it would be unwise to go to Long Xuanyuan to fight now. Ordinary dragons don't know the truth, and they think that the wood family wants to dominate the dragon domain. That's why we suppress other forces.

More importantly, having seen how powerful Long Xuanyuan is, he really has no certainty of victory in his heart. If he fails, the damage to his invincible image is still a trivial matter, won't it encourage the arrogance of his opponent?
At that time, the status of the wood family will also be deeply affected.

Alas, for the sake of the family, just bear it for now!
When the great elder was proud of his wisdom, the elder Qing finally sent him an exciting news.

"Reporting to the Great Elder, we have discovered Li Kuang's hiding place, and I ask the Great Elder to show you how to act."

"What, did you find Li Kuang's whereabouts? Could it be another fake news!"

Recently, there have been so many such fake news, and the Great Elder has been agitated many times in vain.

"This time it is absolutely true, and according to my deduction, Li Kuang has been seriously injured and cannot leave. He is probably in danger. Their people are stationed on the periphery to guard him. Hundreds of teams have been planted on the ground. That area. I'm sure that Li Kuang must be hiding in it."

"Ahahahaha, God is helping me! Alright, let's use Li Kuang to help me out!"

In this hegemony competition, the Dark Alliance took away the vanguard position, which made the elder feel ashamed, and the prestige of the wood family was also greatly affected, which was very detrimental to the overall situation.

At this moment, if the Mu family could go all out and kill the Eastern spies that made the entire Longyu deeply panicked, they would naturally become famous and gain more support.

As for Li Kuang's favor to Longyu, it has been automatically filtered by the elder.

The Celestial Venerable and his party killed countless dragons for several days, but they didn't show the slightest excitement, but became more and more worried.

Obviously, more and more dragons have been approaching this area recently, and their strength has become stronger and stronger. Although they can cooperate perfectly every time, so that none of the invading enemies can escape, the frequent approach of dragons still makes the three of them vigilant. stand up.

"Senior Tianzun, I feel that today is a bit different. In the past, there were several food deliverers here at this time, but today I didn't see any of them. It's not normal!"

Lu Wu was slightly worried. In fact, all three of them felt this way, and they firmly believed that this place would be exposed sooner or later.

Venerable Tian disdained and sneered: "It's too boring to always use some small fish and shrimps to test. It's time to order a big meal. I hope I won't be disappointed."

During this period of time, Bing Litian had seen the power of the Venerable Sky, so he didn't have much worry at all. Those emperor-level masters of the dragon clan were like children in front of the Venerable Sky.

Not to mention those low-level dragons, they are not even qualified to deliver food.

Bing Litian was very excited and said: "It seems that Venus has leaked the news that we are here, that bastard Yang Wei will definitely come here in person, as long as Senior Tianzun captures him, the Wood Department The family has no leader, so it will naturally retreat without attacking."

The Venerable Heavenly One's expression froze, a glint of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he said: "Here we come, this time we must get a body to seize the house."

Lu Wu and Bing Litian also developed their spiritual thoughts. After a while, Bing Litian's face became a little ugly, and he couldn't help muttering: "Damn, there are [-] emperor-level masters, and the wood family is really willing to spend money!"

The Venerable Tian said with a sinister smile: "No matter how many people come here, they are just delivering food. If you don't give them a little color, you will really think how great you are."

Lu Wudao: "This time they came prepared, it seems that it will not be easy for us to sneak attack."

"Who said there was going to be a sneak attack? This time we'll fight them upright, otherwise, they really thought we were afraid of them. Hmph, a group of emperor-level masters seem to be stronger than Sanders, really ignorant!"

After Tianzun finished speaking, he walked out swaggeringly, and laughed wildly: "Shameless boy, since you are here, why bother to hide and hide, look at you hypocrites, you are simply shameless, and you have decided to avenge your revenge embarrassing?"

Tianzun's voice resounded like thunder for thousands of miles, and almost all the dragon clan heard this crazy voice, which immediately caused a commotion.

Elder Yang Wei's face changed suddenly, and said: "This is not Li Kuang's voice, who is this person? Even I can't see through his strength."

The intelligence elder came forward with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Great Elder, we have no way of knowing this person's information, and we have never seen such a No. [-] person before!"

Venus only wanted to use the Dragon Clan to consume the strength of Li Kuang and others, so naturally she would not tell them the strength of Li Kuang's side, which would hurt them both.

"Elder, what should we do? This person's strength is unfathomable, shall we go up?"

An elder saw that Elder Yang Wei was hesitating, and he couldn't help but feel a little drummed in his heart.

"Come on! Thirty emperor-level masters from my wood family can't beat him? Immediately spread the message, invite all the masters to come to help, and let them see the true strength of my wood family. I think it will be safe from now on Quite a few."

"Yes, Great Elder!"

Although Tianzun's aura is astonishing, but there are many masters in the wood family, there are as many as 30 emperor-level masters alone, and there are countless others whose strength is at the king-level. The total sum exceeds one hundred thousand. It is indeed astonishing.

A group of people stayed in the void, looking at the three people who appeared in front of them, they were suddenly in an uproar.

It's just three people who want to fight against their [-] army. These eastern spies are really arrogant.

"That's the head of the Bingchuangtian clan. As expected, the rumors are true. The Frost Dragon Clan has defected to the Eastern God Realm and has become a traitor!"

"My Dragon Clan is noble and proud. Why did the five-line Shenlong Clan turn out such a traitor as the Frost Clan? It really embarrasses our Dragon Clan!"

"Looking at his wretched appearance, he looks like a traitor. Fortunately, I have already turned to the light and left the Frost family. Those days in the Frost family were really a shame for my life!"

Countless Dragon Clans came one after another, discussing a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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