War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2216 Repeated offender in Longyu, fleeing 12

Chapter 2216 Repeated offender in Longyu, escape situation [-]
The space was jointly suppressed by twelve emperor-level masters, and it was impossible to teleport at all. This was also to limit the strength of the people in the formation.

However, the movement of the Venerable Sky has nothing to do with teleportation at all. As long as there is a surge of air flow and regular fluctuations, his speed can be maximized.

In a blink of an eye, he had already stepped out, as if in an illusion, he had directly crossed a distance of [-] meters, and a sawtooth sword appeared strangely in his hand.

This saw-toothed broadsword is entirely composed of soul power at the level of the power of nothingness. As soon as Pu appeared, it created a vacuum within tens of meters around, and even the surging spiritual energy disappeared strangely.

The Heavenly Venerable shouted loudly, and the power of nothingness on the sawtooth sword turned into a mist-like existence, which instantly surged, forming a roaring beast, opened its mouth wide, and rushed towards Jianmang viciously.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the seemingly unreal and unpredictable strange beast swallowed the huge sword light in one gulp.

Great Elder Yang Wei couldn't help but twitch his brows, damn it, where did this person come from?Why was there no information about him before?

The strange beast seemed vague, but its power surprised people.

The sword light was so fierce that even the space seemed to be shattered, but after being swallowed by his strange beast, there was no explosion, but a strange disappearance.

How can it be?

Others don't know, but Great Elder Yang Wei understands that a seemingly ordinary blow contains the strength of at least five emperor-level masters. If it is an ordinary emperor-level master, this blow may injure him.

That piece of space changed instantly, as if it was hard and deeply corroded into nothingness by something, the surrounding air suddenly rushed in madly, forming a vortex, but the strange beast was not affected by the environment, still roaring and rushing forward go.

"Cut again!"

The elder shouted loudly, and slashed out with a sword again, a brilliant white rainbow burst out, like a missile attack, directly piercing the space, its shape was more than ten times larger than the first time.

Tianzun's face was solemn, his sword finger shook, drawing a mysterious trajectory, but his figure was floating towards one of the elders strangely.

That strange beast has a mouth that is frighteningly big, and then a round belly, like a huge jar, all composed of a faint force of nothingness, it seems that it will dissipate when the wind blows, but it is extremely ferocious Any energy or spiritual will will be instantly corroded.

This is a greedy beast. When the huge sword light bombarded it like a missile, it opened its mouth and couldn't wait to swallow the sword light into its stomach.

Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded. Such a scene was really terrifying.

However, although the power of nothingness is the ultimate power that surpasses ordinary energy, it also has problems in quantity and quality. Given the huge gap between the two, such an advantage cannot guarantee an absolute victory.

So this time, the stomach of the strange beast could no longer digest the joint attack of the twelve elders.

This illusory beast actually contains the space rules of the Venerable Sky himself, otherwise, no matter how powerful the power of nothingness is, it would not be so powerful.

But as long as it is space, there is nothing that must be destroyed, it just depends on the strength of the required attack.

Obviously, this time the attack has exceeded the tolerance of the space rules of Tianzun.

"Thank you, friends, for your concern. You can see that this book is not very far from the end. The current update is adjusted to [-] words per day. If you think it is too slow, you may wish to put it aside for a while and read it together. , if there is no accident, this book will end next month. As for the new book, it is estimated that it will come out soon. I hope everyone will continue to support Tiaotiao. This year will be a year of Tiaotiao's hard work. Reading the same book is also considered a predestined relationship.This time I promise that I will never disband the book friend group again, let us be happy every day together! "

(End of this chapter)

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