War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2235 Chaos treasure, strange changes 7

Chapter 2235 Chaos treasure, strange changes [-]
Li Kuang's thoughts turned, although he didn't know what Hunpeng wanted to do, but in his subconscious mind, he felt that he couldn't let Hunpeng get anything, so Li Kuang also made up his mind and said, "We also go in!"

In terms of speed, Li Kuang and Tianzun may not be Hunpeng's opponents, but compared to hiding their aura and figure, the two who have practiced "Shadowless True Illusory Flow" are obviously far better than Hunpeng. Does not cause the slightest breath fluctuation.

The halo formed, like a zigzagging light belt, which looked extremely dazzling, but the sharp-eyed two discovered that as Hun Peng moved forward, the light belt was gradually getting darker, and the hidden space-time cracks and traps gradually became darker. blurred.

This piece of time and space is extremely strange, if only relying on divine sense or eyes, it is impossible to find that there are so many dangers ahead, it is like a small trap in three steps, and a big trap in five steps!

This is a terrifying minefield!

The two really want to thank Hunpeng, if it weren't for him, I am afraid that even if it takes another [-] million years, they will never even think about entering it!

Li Kuang is not worried about the disappearance of the route. The road map has been deeply imprinted in his mind, which is different from ordinary memories. It is completely copied without the slightest deviation.

Hun Peng's figure flashed repeatedly, and disappeared with the halo in a short while.

Li Kuang and Tianzun looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

From this point of view, the danger is only because the path is not known.

Li Kuang seems to have realized something. So, is this so-called six realms of reincarnation also a kind of divine formation?

If you force your way, you will naturally be backlashed by the divine formation, and obviously, Hun Peng is taking the secret way to enter the formation.

The two followed closely behind, touching forward silently.

Sure enough, approaching the Six Paths of Samsara, he felt a tremendous pressure, even more dignified than the Gate of Life and Death.

Cracks in the surrounding time and space appeared and disappeared, and the frenzy was extremely frenzied. Although they couldn't see it with the naked eye, both of them felt a bone-chilling chill.

If you make a wrong step, you will be swallowed by the space-time crack, torn into pieces, or even thrown directly into an unknown time period and trapped in it.

With the route in his brain, Li Kuang can perfectly simulate the route of Hun Peng, which is not bad at all, and naturally it is unimpeded.

It was easy to pass over the place where the arrow of divine power was corroded into nothingness before, but now, apart from feeling the terrifying pressure, the two of them did not receive any attack.

If you force your way, even if you can come here, the consumption will probably be astonishing, and you will no longer be able to move forward.

Li Kuang was a little puzzled, this passageway was extremely strange, even if there was a road map, he didn't dare to be careless, but Hunpeng walked like walking in his own back garden, without any hesitation.

How did he get the map?And how did he know this ultimate secret that belongs to the Creator God?
With their minds full of doubts, the two finally entered the hinterland, which is the real center of the six paths of reincarnation, the empty space surrounded by the five peaks of divine power.

After entering the physical body, Li Kuang realized that this place is not so scary.

Presumably, because of the forced entry, the formation was directly touched, so the arrow of divine power and one-tenth of Li Kuang's soul were melted just on the periphery.

(End of this chapter)

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