War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2254 The truth of time and space, 1 thought of eternity "3"

Chapter 2254 The truth of time and space, one thought is eternal "[-]"

I thought that the torrent of time and space was formed by the Creator God copying the previous world, but I didn't expect that it was completely different. The culprit who caused all this turned out to be me!

The present world is not copying the past, but the past is completely copying the present!

Reincarnation, is this reincarnation?
It is ridiculous to completely disrupt the originally disordered society and disordered life, let them go through reincarnation again and again, and I still vow to fight for their freedom!
Every living being in the ups and downs of the mundane world is like the chaotic divine power in the core, chasing the trajectory of the chaotic divine art, repeating it over and over again, refining it, and finally becoming a source of energy!

After that, more miscellaneous and impure spirits continued the established trajectory, and the experience was refined again!
In this world, there is no reincarnation at all, the second appearance is just an existence that looks exactly the same!

Only emperor-level masters can truly withstand the catastrophe. However, they never imagined that the clansmen and descendants they tried their best to protect were actually not the original group!

How sad?

How depressed?

How helpless! !
Li Kuang felt a burst of heartache!
In less than a second, it is as if you have experienced thousands of lives, seeing all life and suffering!
"Hahaha, Li Kuang, I finally understand that all this is because of you. It's ridiculous that you are still bluffing and cheating in the name of saving the common people. If you want to forgive your sins, kill yourself immediately!"

In such a strange time and space, the main consciousness of the two of them is like a bystander, watching everything that has happened, is about to happen, or is happening.

"Hunpeng, don't use this trick, even if you die, I will kill you first, and return the real justice to this world!"

"Joke! Sanders' original intention was not to create a lowly race like humans. He raised creatures from the three holy places. You also know that the strength of any one of the three races can surpass Tens of millions of human beings! These human beings are all created by fragments of your consciousness. You created them, but you made them go through all kinds of hardships, Li Kuang, you are the real big devil, and you deserve death!"

Li Kuang was speechless.

Hun Peng even laughed wildly and said, "This is not the only evil you have done. The Six Paths of Reincarnation exploded, and the Lingyun Mountain that had been collected for countless years would also explode. This kind of power is enough to destroy the Chaos Star Field! Since then, the Six Paths of Reincarnation has disappeared. , the chaotic star field no longer exists, the natural barrier between the east and the west that Sanders painstakingly set up will be unimpeded, and the dragon army will destroy the east just around the corner."

He said helplessly: "It's just a pity that this massive amount of spiritual energy will spread to the whole world, causing the world's spiritual energy to increase dramatically. Those ordinary people will all have a great increase in strength. The emperor level is no longer the end."

"What's even more sad is that without the energy reserves here, your and my advantages are gone. It may be very difficult to return to the heyday."

(End of this chapter)

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