War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2279 The Alliance Against the Enemy, Closed Doors and Hard Work "6"

Chapter 2279 The alliance resists the enemy and practices behind closed doors "[-]"

Thinking of the scene on Broken Soul Cliff, Meimeng was completely stunned, a teardrop fell silently, even though you are now the head of Tianjiao Sect, and the scenery is infinite, but...

It's a pity that the love that passed away will not come back again, everything is my choice, so I can only bear all the consequences silently.

Li Kuang didn't know what the two of them were thinking, and said lightly: "You two, the safety of the eastern land is entrusted to you. I think that any person of insight will not reject the alliance. The current state of beings in the Evil God Valley Being humble, I'm afraid it won't be of much use, so I want to seal the valley for three months to see if I can find a way to improve my strength, please do it."

Seeing Li Kuang's resolute tone, the two were secretly delighted. They gave up after a few words of false persuasion, united the power of the entire East, and formed an alliance. It can be said that such a grand goal has always been the ideal of the two. Now that they have the opportunity to realize it, they are naturally excited .

However, after the alliance, there may still be a fight for the position of leader, after all, the two of them are not used to listening to others give orders.

But that was also after the establishment of the alliance.

The reason why the two of them are so afraid of Li Kuang is actually because Li Kuang has just established a reputation outside, but both of them are smart not to mention outside matters, and Li Kuang doesn't want to pursue it, after all, the overall situation is the most important.

Li Er stretched out his hand, and a space door appeared in the space. Li Er saluted Li Kuang respectfully, turned around and stepped into the space door.

The moment he entered, the corners of Li Kuang's mouth twitched slightly, but he quietly uttered a word. Hearing the words, Li Er's body shook immediately, and he turned his head to look at Li Kuang in shock, but nodded slowly. Nodding, then disappeared.

Similarly, when Kong Kong was leaving, Li Kuang also sent a word through voice transmission. What made everyone feel incredible was that after hearing Li Kuang's voice transmission, Kong Kong, who had always been calm, also trembled suddenly. His expression was strikingly similar to Li Er's.

Such a strange scene, while confusing everyone, also made the Lord Cthulhu admire him beyond words.

Looking at the Three Realms, who can make the Taishang Laojun and the Tathagata Buddha feel moved at the same time with a single sentence?

Only Lord Cthulhu.

As soon as the two of them left, Li Kuang's expression sank, his big hand slid freely in the void, mysterious golden sigils appeared instantly, and then flew towards the sky, getting bigger and bigger, and finally formed a dazzling golden light, covering the entire evil spirit. God valley shrouded.

"Hmph, do you really think that I, the Valley of the Evil Gods, is a vegetable market, so come here whenever you want?"

This talisman is the ultimate space rule that Li Kuang comprehended, implying the principle of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, reinforced in the super god formation, immediately shocked the entire formation, and its power continued to rise.

Like a memory upgrade, it turned out to be much more flexible all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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