War of the Three Realms

Chapter 326 Alchemy Conference, Li Kuang Shows His Power 13

Chapter 326 Alchemy Conference, Li Kuang Shows His Power 13
In an instant, Li Kuang felt that his whole body was boiling, and all the spiritual power hidden in the meridians seemed to be instantly stimulated, surging out, and converging towards the golden core.

Li Kuang let out a low cry, and forcibly controlled the two surges of spiritual energy to flow towards his hands. At the same time, he recalled the handprints and mental techniques of the sealing circle, and moved his mind at will, and acted quickly.

I saw him waving his hands like butterflies through flowers, instantly changing all kinds of magical handprints, the speed was so fast and the movements were so skillful that Duanqing felt like he was about to collapse.

Alas, it seems that my decision to choose to retreat is correct, there are people like this, how can this life be shaken?
Li Kuang's whole mind was immersed in the handprints, and his movements became faster and faster. In the end, he moved almost instinctively, and he was confused about what kind of movements he made. He just followed his feeling, followed his memory, and operated like an inertia .

Needle dropping could be heard on and off the stage, and hundreds of pairs of shocked eyes locked on him at the same time, full of wordless admiration.

Wangqing's eyes finally changed, she glanced at Shixuan who was also stunned, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.


Tianjiao Sect is so lucky that two peerless geniuses came out all of a sudden. This time, it may be difficult not to become famous in the cultivation world.

Shixuan's indifferent decision is simply a derivative of another self. Under her leadership, Tianjiao Sect will definitely remain stable as before, and this little girl named Qinglan can perform miracles many times. The most suitable candidate.

There are successors, how can Wangqing be unhappy?
Li Kuang completed the entire sealing formation like a machine, and he himself was extremely exhausted both mentally and physically.

But fortunately, Dazheng finally succeeded!

Li Kuang couldn't help but be overjoyed seeing the runes all over the sky suddenly shining, tightening like a big net, instantly gathering the spiritual energy erupting from all around, and finally turning into a ball of colored light, gathering together.

Striding forward, he grabbed the colorful light, and Li Kuang turned around slowly, facing hundreds of pairs of longing eyes in the audience, and slowly spread his palms.

I saw the colored light slowly dissipating like smoke, but in the palm of Li Kuang's palm, there were as many as fifteen colorful balls beating constantly.

While beating, it also emits a blurred light, which looks extremely beautiful.

After a while, the applause from the audience was like clouds, and it lasted for a long time!

Even the disciples of Tianjiao Sect cheered loudly together, very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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