War of the Three Realms

Chapter 329 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 1

Chapter 329 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 1
Wangqing glanced at Duanqing in surprise, and said with a smile: "Sister Duanqing, do you want to settle old accounts with my sister today?"

Duan Qingwei sighed, and said: "Qing Lan is a good girl, I will absolutely not allow her to practice the Art of Forgetfulness and Washing Her Heart, and thus become a cold and ruthless piece of wood."

When she said this, her gaze lingered on Shi Xuan for a while intentionally or unintentionally.

Wangqing smiled and said: "Don't worry! Tianjiao Sect only needs one head, so there can only be one person who can practice the Forgetfulness and Cleansing Art. Although Qinglan is a good girl, Shixuan is even better. Sister, don't worry, this I won't argue with you this time."

Duanqing said expressionlessly: "You practice the ruthless way with a heart of love, while I pursue the way of true feelings against the sky, so I will definitely not restrict any thoughts of this child."

She looked up at the sky, and said firmly as if taking an oath: "I... will give her freedom!"

There was disdain in Wangqing's eyes, and he said lightly: "Sister, the way of heaven is ruthless. Too much emotion can only bring people fetters. Why don't you give up like me? Only by giving up can you get more."

Duanqing looked at the blank Wangqing, and said in shock: "Could it be that you have given up on your only family relationship? 300 years... 300 years of waiting! Just let it go like this? Then what should they do? "

Wangqing said indifferently: "They will understand, and they will understand me. The reason why they were kept until 300 years later is because I have never understood the meaning of life. Now that I understand them, they are no different from passer-by A to me." It makes no difference!"

Duanqing looked at the indifferent Mrs. Wangqing in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe these words came out of her mouth.

After a while, she finally said: "Since this is the case, you should have given birth to them 300 years ago. Didn't you already realize the Tao? Why wait until today? Don't you feel any pain in abandoning them now?"

Wangqing's whole body suddenly sank into the heaven and earth, and all the breath disappeared without a trace. Although her person was still sitting there, there was no trace of life breath.

"Timing! Do you understand?" The voice of Wangqing came faintly: "Qin Zhen and them are just a demonic obstacle on my way of cultivation. I can overcome it. I am not as happy as I am. Why do I still have heartache?"

(End of this chapter)

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