War of the Three Realms

Chapter 332 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 5

Chapter 332 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 5
To be successful!

A happy smile appeared on Wangqing's face. She has been worried for as long as Li Kuang has been refining, and her heart is still hanging.

Li Kuang carefully felt the situation in the elixir furnace, and knew that the medicinal liquid was fully mature, so he took some cinnabar and added it to make it solidify to present the exclusive color of elixir...golden or light yellow!
Li Kuang finally withdrew the pill fire.

At the same time, he became even more nervous, his hands danced quickly, and he began to use the alchemy formula.

Bursts of vigorous spiritual energy roared into the alchemy furnace, and in an instant, the temperature dropped sharply. With a wave of Li Kuang's hand, the medicinal liquid began to change, and each grain solidified independently.

In an instant, it condensed into several pieces.

Li Kuang threw them all into the condensed water, let it absorb the essence, and formed a special protective film on the outside of the elixir, preventing the aura from leaking out.

After doing all of this, it is the most critical time to open the furnace and collect the pills.

This step seemed simple, but Li Kuang didn't dare to be careless, because the pill would blow up if he didn't do it right, and the more advanced pills would even "run".

It is not difficult to collect the alchemy and put it on the real middle-grade alchemist.

It's just that Li Kuang's strength is a little watery after all, it's entirely due to his nepotism with Huo Yunjian, and his real strength is still far away from the stage of leaving his body.

The most important alchemy process for other alchemists has become an effective way to increase strength in Li Kuang's eyes, but this seemingly simple job has become the most difficult for him.

But at this moment, he was too embarrassed to ask for help, so he could only gamble on it.

Sure enough, it was extremely difficult for him to perform the closing pill formula, and his original strong spiritual energy reserve seemed to be used up all of a sudden, forcing him to swallow a big tonic pill.

His strength has recovered, but it is still quite difficult to use the hand pill formula, which is simply not something he can do with his golden core strength.

Li Kuang intuitively felt that the true energy in his heart was churning, as if the river was overwhelming, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

He tried his best to make the last handprint, and his true energy turned into a talisman that exploded on the stove and disappeared, but his people couldn't help being shocked, and their faces were suddenly as pale as paper.

Li Kuang swallowed another big tonic pill and reached out to scoop it up.


Duanqing exclaimed, suddenly stood up on the chair, and flew onto the high platform.

With a loud bang, the talisman net arranged by Li Kuang collapsed and turned into colorful lights, and he was also staggered by the powerful counter-shock force and almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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