War of the Three Realms

Chapter 341 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 13

Chapter 341 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 13
Li Kuang took it for granted.

This Qing Wu looks younger than her, but she has already reached the out-of-body stage, which is simply too outrageous, she is still hovering in the golden core stage after so many adventures, the gap between them is really quite speechless.

Shixuan sneered, her people stood there without moving, but Li Kuang lost her trace through his eyesight.

How can it be?

Li Kuang opened his eyes sharply, seeing Shi Xuan standing there coldly like a statue, he froze for a moment.

When Binghan let go, it was as if a hurricane had been set off, and the surrounding spiritual energy suddenly became frenzied, and the strong power of icy cold spread across a radius of tens of meters almost instantly.

The ground actually started to freeze, becoming slippery and hard, and what was even more outrageous was that the spiritual energy of the world around her also changed suddenly.

In an instant, the aura turned into icy cold, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. Even the air seemed to be frozen.

Li Kuang was shocked to find that the 50 meters around Shixuan had completely turned into a world of ice and snow, not to mention the horrific drop in temperature, and the power of ice and snow in the entire area quickly gathered.

In an instant, the brilliance of the ice-cold sword was shaken, and the sword gathered the ice-cold power within a radius of 50 meters, like a warrior in armor, spinning like an electric drill, and stabbing towards the sky suddenly.

For a moment, the entire earth was replaced by this brilliant light, and the tips of the two swords became the focus of the audience.

Li Kuang suddenly had an illusion, as if the entire sky and the earth were condensed into a small sword tip, and they were closing quickly.

Two swords with different attributes met in mid-air, but there was no earth-shattering collision as imagined.

With a distance of three meters, the two swords began to spin, and a mysterious aura spread instantly.

The sky and the earth were rubbing against each other violently, and there was no violent fluctuation in the air, but the people who were tens of meters away changed their colors in shock, and retreated several meters in a hurry.

The aura in this area has become extremely unstable, and it is rushing towards the tip of the two swords like crazy.

The powerful pressure collided, and the space seemed to refuse to bear the burden, making a mournful whine.

Duanqing's face changed, and she grabbed Li Kuang, and with a wave of her hand, the shelf where the elixir was placed disappeared immediately. Obviously, she also had a magical storage device such as a space ring.

As soon as the two left, they saw that the ground where they were standing had cracked soundlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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