War of the Three Realms

Chapter 344 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 16

Chapter 344 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 16
Qing Wu would not be so stupid as to do this, and the only way to escape is to quickly escape from the artistic conception of heaven and earth!
As a last resort, Qing Wu made the most correct choice.

And when this choice was made, her heart was filled with humiliation, because it was undeniable that in terms of artistic conception, she had already lost.

Seeing this, Li Kuang sneered secretly in his heart. Having practiced Yuxu Qingxin Jue and Yu Tian Jue, he naturally understood that the situation in front of him was not as simple as being difficult to get out of.

Shi Xuan has already turned the entire square into her own "battlefield", within this range, she is the master.

And the icy air current is just suitable for her attributes to play, and the situation is extremely favorable.

Qing Wu's momentum changed suddenly, she looked like a baby abandoned by her mother, which made people feel sympathetic, and seemed so abrupt in the whole scene.

However, the cold current all over the sky was suffocated. In an instant, Li Kuang was shocked to find that the sky was actually snowflakes.

The snowflakes the size of goose feathers were falling, which was extraordinarily charming and shocking.

All the disciples who retreated stared blankly, their hearts trembling.

Qing Wu also looked at the snowflakes all over the sky foolishly, astonishment and fear kept changing on her face.

"Stop! Don't hurt her!"

A faint and low voice echoed over the square, but there was no one there. It was the supernatural Wangqing Shitai who was transmitting the sound thousands of miles away.


Shixuan's voice was extremely flat, as if forgetting love.

In an instant, like an illusion, the snowflakes all over the sky became lighter and smaller, and finally disappeared quietly.

Shi Xuan's figure gradually appeared in front of Qing Wu.

What's strange is that the cold currents formed by those snowflakes are like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, all gathered on the icy sword in her hand.

And that sharp and cold sword edge was resting lightly on Qing Wu's neck.

For a moment, Qing Wu was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

"You have been able to freely control the world??? How is it possible?"

Qing Wu's voice trembled, with extreme disbelief: "What's going on?"

Shi Xuan didn't speak, but a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes, like a flower in full bloom, becoming more and more colorful and charming.

The icy cold in the sky seemed to become warmer with this silent laughter, and what was even more weird was that the icy sword in her hand began to melt.

(End of this chapter)

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