War of the Three Realms

Chapter 351: Uncontrollable Love, Another Wave 4

Chapter 351: Uncontrollable Love, Another Wave 4
Once Li Kuang starts a battle, he forgets himself completely.

When the Yujian Jue was unfolding, he devoted all his attention to it. The refined flying sword was like an extension of his own limbs. The human and sword merged into one, and he could empathize with him. Feeling the soaring fighting spirit of the Fire Cloud Sword, Li Kuang It is also full of pride.

It is as strong as heaven and earth, but it has not convinced Li Kuang. Why does this little human being restrain himself?
The Huoyun Sword seemed to have also been influenced by the Yutian Jue, and its innate nobility was further expanded. Immediately, the sword spirit became angry.

The Huoyun Sword at this moment seems to be no longer a simple sword, but another self with its own consciousness!
Nitian Shenjue erupted suddenly, and the golden core spun even more rapidly, sending out waves of powerful true energy.

Thousands of red lights projected from the Huoyun Sword, and every point was roaring with sword energy. The seemingly hard ice was finally cut into pieces and collapsed.

"What a terrible attack, it really is Shushan Sword Cultivator!"

Even though Meimeng's voice was cold, it still gave Li Kuang a feeling of charm.

The ice cubes danced and collapsed in the raging fire, and the Huoyun Sword was finally free, soaring in the sea of ​​flames.

Whoosh whoosh!
There are countless afterimages in the sky, and the speed of the Huoyun Sword's shuttle is astonishing. In an instant, it has left a series of unique marks in the sea of ​​fire. It seems to be chaotic, but in fact it has an extremely obscure law. , These imprints turned into golden spells, intertwined and intertwined with each other, like a strange net of fire, covering the head.

But at the same time, as if in an illusion, the dissipated fine pieces of ice unexpectedly closed together quickly, turning into a huge shield again, and laying in front of the seal.

When the seal landed on it, there was a burst of chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi, as if someone was pouring water on a red-hot soldering iron, green smoke came out and the air was filled with an unpleasant smell.

"Li Kuang, you are truly a peerless genius. In such a short period of time, you have been able to integrate my Tianjiao Sect's unique knowledge into one with your sword control skills. This kind of attack method is really unheard of! Given time, you will definitely become one. A world-renowned hero."

Meimeng's person was hiding behind the ice shield, his words seemed extremely relaxed, and they were full of appreciation.

(End of this chapter)

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