War of the Three Realms

Chapter 354: Uncontrollable Love, Another Wave 7

Chapter 354: Uncontrollable Love, Another Wave 7
The wound caused by Huoyun was extremely strange, and it couldn't heal. The surrounding area of ​​the skin was as red as the steel being scorched by fire. Meimeng's true energy only turned into green smoke when it reached this point. Therefore, although the damage she suffered was not Big, but extremely terrifying.

Li Kuang understood that this was caused by his unique fire energy after merging Danhuo, so he sighed softly and summoned Huoyun again.

Qinglan was shocked when she saw this, she nervously stood in front of Meimeng, and shouted: "Brother, you can't kill her!"

Li Kuang said dumbfoundedly: "Do you think I want to kill her?"

Qing Lan shook her head in amazement.

Mei Meng pushed Qing Lan away, and said: "If he wants to kill, let him kill him. If he can't get him, let me die by her sword!"

Seeing Qinglan's nervousness and Meimeng's determination, Li Kuang said depressedly: "In your eyes, am I such a decisive person? Don't worry, I just want to help you absorb the fire energy from the wound, otherwise , the wound will be difficult to heal."

The fire cloud flashed, turned into a red light, quickly passed by Mei Meng's wound, and returned in an instant.

Qing Lan widened her eyes and said curiously: "Is this the end?"

Li Kuang nodded: "How difficult do you think?"

Sure enough, without the interference of fire energy, the wound healed quickly under the influence of true energy.

It can be seen that people in the cultivation world have strong physiques, as long as they are not fatal injuries, they can heal quickly.

Mei Meng stood up, bit her lips tightly, and looked at Li Kuang quietly.

Facing her infatuated eyes, Li Kuang felt overwhelmed. He turned his head away and said calmly, "What are you going to do now? Are you going to reveal my identity or secretly tell Master Wangqing to catch me and throw me into ashes?"

Meimeng stood up slowly, looking a little weak, but there was a mysterious light in the corner of her eyes, and she chuckled: "No! I have a third choice, that is to grab you and force you to love me. Fuck me, let me fully experience the ups and downs of love!"

When these words came out, she had already disappeared in place.

Li Kuang's heart trembled, and he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

There was no time to attack, and he rushed out decisively.

The god-defying art surged wildly, and the true energy instantly overflowed from the body, forming a defense.

But in a hurry, and the gap between the realms of the two sides is too large, how can they get out of the way?

(End of this chapter)

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