War of the Three Realms

Chapter 361 Forgetful and Passionate?Drunk for Iraq alone 2

Chapter 361 Forgetful and Passionate?Drunk for Iraq alone 2
Li Kuang looked at Duanqing in shock, with a deep sense of unyielding in his eyes: "Master, is there no other way out except for these two ways?"

Duanqing shook his head: "There is absolutely no third way to go."

Seeing Li Kuang's gradually firm eyes, she couldn't help but see a complex look of disappointment and admiration intertwined in her eyes, and sighed quietly: "It seems that you have already made a decision in your heart! It's just... is it really worth it? No more Think about it?"

Li Kuang smiled slightly, the panic had disappeared, and he seemed extremely determined.

Pulling Qing Lan over, he said: "Master, the real Qing Lan is here. The reason why I brought her here must be that Master understands what I mean! In the eyes of the outside world, Tianjiao Sect has produced a genius alchemist Qing Lan is an indisputable fact, I can't let you have nothing, from now on, she is your disciple, I hope you can teach her well, let her become a real alchemist."

Duanqing's eyes changed, as if he wanted to say something, but felt powerless, so he could only nod his head: "Qing Lan has always been my disciple! Always will be, this is a fact that no one can change."

Li Kuang stood up in relief, the corners of his eyes moistened.

"Thank you for your great love, Master. Xiao Kuang will always remember it in his heart. If we meet again in the future, I will definitely call you Master."

"Xiao Kuang, don't be reckless... Can you listen to my advice?"

A bright smile bloomed on Li Kuang's face, and he seemed to be in high spirits. How could there be any trace of decadence?

"Master, don't worry, I won't be stupid. Now, it's time to finish everything. I'm leaving. Take care!"

"Brother Li Kuang, where are you going? Don't tell me...you don't want Qing Lan anymore?"

Qing Lan grabbed Li Kuang's sleeve nervously, her face full of panic.

But he sighed slightly: "Go! You are cast in the same mold as he was 300 years ago, with the same stubbornness, the same self-confidence, thinking that true love can change everything, alas! Why is the most important thing in my life Are two men going to leave me like this?"

Wangqing's expression dimmed, and tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Li Kuang was shocked.

Uncle Duanqing actually regards himself as one of the two most important people in his life. This kind of love is no more than that of his own parents.

It's just me, but I can only give up this rare maternal love against my will.

There are some things that you can only know if you have tried it, and some people will really forget it only after despair!
(End of this chapter)

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