War of the Three Realms

Chapter 363 Forgetful and Passionate?Drunk for Iraq alone 5

Chapter 363 Forgetful and Passionate?Drunk for Iraq alone 5
"Sister Shixuan, do you really not know me?"

His voice is also indifferent, but the endless thoughts and nostalgia contained in it are so miraculously poured into the hearts of every listener.

A light of astonishment suddenly flashed in Wangqing Shitai's eyes, and she looked in shock at Li Kuang, who seemed to be born floating in the air. At this moment, no matter how hard she was to maintain her composure, her Taoist heart, which had been solid for hundreds of years, was shaken a little.

Because, she actually had an illusion because of Li Kuang's faint words.

Just like back then, that plump and handsome man said foolishly: "Wangqing, have you really forgotten me?"

That kind of heartbreak, that kind of sorrow and grief, came to my heart again.

How can it be?

He is just a bastard in the golden core period, how could he affect his own heart that is in harmony with heaven and earth with just one sentence?
How can it be?

Master Wangqing has practiced hard for hundreds of years, and even used her lover to practice the peerless miraculous art of "Wangqing Xixin Jue". Her Taoist heart is so stable that it can be called abnormal. Except for a little bit of family affection, she has almost completely eliminated all emotions and desires. Turned into a ruthless person.

Obviously, such talents are more in line with the nature of heaven and earth.

But now she realizes that the power of heaven and earth she mobilized has not had even the slightest influence on the young man in front of her!

This is ridiculous!
With the opponent's cultivation base, I can crush him to death countless times with one finger. This is combined with the aura of the power of heaven and earth. It's fine for him to kneel down and beg for mercy without breaking down. Yes indeed!
but now……

Wangqing had to accept an extremely ridiculous fact.

I have cultivated for hundreds of years, but in terms of realm, I am not as good as a child! !

Not only has he perfectly integrated into the heaven and earth, but he seems to have transcended the heaven and earth, and started to control the heaven and earth instead!
In the legend, only one kind of person can reach such a realm.

That is the immortal after the successful ascension!

At that time, the immortal gave up his physical body and recast the body of a fairy, whose physique is the same as that of the heaven and the earth, so that the immortal has the opportunity to stand on top of his "friends" and control the heaven and earth instead!
Such a realm should never appear in a young man.

Because she knows a great secret, it is absolutely impossible for immortals to appear in the cultivation world!

(End of this chapter)

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