War of the Three Realms

Chapter 374 Mysterious Forbidden Land, Crazy Qin Zhen 4

Chapter 374 Mysterious Forbidden Land, Crazy Qin Zhen 4
Qin Zhen fell silent, and said ruthlessly for a while: "You are ruthless, if I hadn't been jealous of Xiaofeng, my mother would have slapped you into mud. You bastard, it is not difficult to see me. As long as you can find out exactly where I live, that's your job."

Li Kuang laughed and said, "Senior, aren't you kidding me? This place is so wide that you can't use divine sense detection. Where can I find you?"

"Oh, it seems that you know a lot! I wonder if there is one more thing you know?"

Qin Zhen's voice was like animals scurrying about in the sky, moving here and there, and seemed to be in mid-air for a while, making it impossible to figure out.

And Li Kuang also sensed something bad from his joking tone, and quickly asked: "This kid is new here, so of course he doesn't know anything. Since senior is an old resident, he shouldn't make things difficult for me!"

"Hey hey, of course, that's why I'm going to tell you something. In fact, the aura here seems to be rich, but it contains toxins. Once inhaled, it will mutate. If it can't be released, it will turn into the most powerful poison. Your whole body is festered, and there are no bones left."

After Qin Zhen finished speaking, he seemed to be extremely happy, and even laughed wildly.

Li Kuang was shocked, stopped breathing quickly, and exclaimed, "It's so serious? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Hahaha, it's only starting to stop now, it's too late."

Qin Zhen gloated and said, "If you had held your breath from the beginning, you might have lived a few more days, but now... the poison has invaded your meridians, all your true qi has been infected, and your strength will grow stronger and stronger. It gets lower and lower, and finally dies like an ordinary person."

Although Li Kuang was shocked in his heart, he didn't feel flustered. Instead, he hit the nail on the head: "Since you said that inhaling the toxin will surely kill you, why are you all right?"

Qin Zhen seemed to have thought that Li Kuang would ask this question a long time ago, and said proudly: "Because my physique is different, and I have cultivated a peerless magic skill."

After a pause, he proudly said: "You must really want to ask me to teach you this peerless magic skill now! Haha, I'm sorry, I don't accept apprentices."

Li Kuang's intuition went dark, this senior Qin Zhen seems to be quite different from the one that Master Duanqing said!

"Senior Qin Zhen, I... Actually, I have no intention of worshiping you as my teacher, and I am not interested in any peerless magic arts. I appreciate your kindness, so you can continue to sleep! I will settle my own affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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