War of the Three Realms

Chapter 376: Removing Toxins, Limiting Alchemy 1

Chapter 376: Removing Toxins, Limiting Alchemy 1
Qin Zhen's joking voice echoed in the sky, as if mocking Li Kuang's ignorance.

It took a lot of effort for Li Kuang to crawl out from the pile of rocks, panting violently, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Li Kuang spat out the weeds in his mouth vigorously, and Li Kuang cursed: "Who the hell is doing a formation here? It made me dizzy."

The seemingly empty front turned out to be the edge of the formation. When Li Kuang hit it, he was dizzy and dizzy. As soon as Pu touched him, his whole body was numb with electricity, and he couldn't exert any strength.

Now, Li Kuang finally understood why Qin Zhen didn't leave here. It turned out that he was not paralyzed, but was blocked by the formation.

Li Kuang groaned secretly in his heart, could it be that the mountain sealing formation of Unfeeling Peak even sealed this place?

How can this be good?

I heard that the sealing formation of Tianjiao Gate is a well-known protective formation in the cultivation world. If you don't know how to open it, even a super expert in the tribulation period can't pass it.

Li Kuang still has self-knowledge, knowing that it is basically useless to force his way in, so he can only settle down and slowly seek a way to crack it.

Li Kuang has survived in the wild more than once or twice. He is very experienced. He chose an excellent location on the high side of the mountain and set up camp on a rock with a radius of [-] square meters. He set up his tent in a short time. I took out some utensils and arranged them, as if it had become a temporary home.

Li Kuangduan sat down, feeling a sore back and back pain, as if his whole body had been drained of bone marrow, unable to raise his strength.

How could this be?
Li Kuang activated the Heaven-defying God Art with some doubts, but found that the true energy in his body was running out at some point, and the remaining bit was being consumed at a terrifying speed.

No, it's weird!
Li Kuang was shocked, and hurriedly took out a big tonic pill and swallowed it.

Dabu Pill is the best medicine to replenish spiritual energy, especially for Li Kuang's low level, the effect can be seen the most.

The heat melted away, and instantly turned into a raging qi that reverberated in the body.

Li Kuang circulated this true energy all over his body according to the running route of the Heaven-Defying God Art, and immediately felt refreshed, and all the lazy feelings disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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