War of the Three Realms

Chapter 383: Removing Toxins, Limiting Alchemy 9

Chapter 383: Removing Toxins, Limiting Alchemy 9
"What are you laughing at?" Qin Zhen's voice came from afar: "You're laughing even when you're dying? I really admire your courage!"

Li Kuang was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Senior, what are you talking about? I have forced out all the toxins now, and I am refreshed. How could I die?"

Qin Zhen sneered and said: "Really? You wait and try again? See how your true energy is, is it being consumed faster?"

Li Kuang said suspiciously: "No way! I feel fine now, and I don't feel any discomfort at all. Senior, don't scare me."

Qin Zhen said disdainfully: "What a frog in a well, do you think that the famous soul-severing poison is so easy to deal with? Hmph! This is a mysterious toxin that directly pollutes the soul, directly affects your consciousness, soul poisoning, there is no cure !"

Li Kuang frowned and said, "Pollution of the soul? Senior, what is going on!"

Qin Zhen sighed and said, "For Xiaofeng's sake, I'll tell you! The most powerful thing about the soul-severing poison lies in its concealment. By the time you realize you've been poisoned, it's already too late. The toxin penetrates deep into your meridians and bone marrow, takes root and multiplies like bacteria, and cannot be completely eliminated."

Li Kuang was shocked and said, "Didn't it mean that the soul was polluted? How could the body not be spared?"

"Even intangible things like the soul can pollute, let alone the body? Hey, boy, do you feel dizzy now and just want to sleep? This is the toxin at work."

Li Kuang laughed when he heard the words: "Please worry, I am very awake now, and I don't feel dizzy at all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body swayed, and suddenly he felt the scene in front of him shake.

Li Kuang's complexion changed drastically, and he almost fell to the ground. He hurriedly sat up cross-legged, and began to dispel the uncomfortable feeling in his mind by running the heaven-defying magic formula.

Nitian Shenjue is a fusion of Yutian Jue and Yuxu Qingxin Jue plus some of Li Kuang's own understanding. Although there are some signs of dissimilarity, there is no doubt that the advantages of Yutian Jue and Yuxu Qingxin Jue are organically combined by him Together, thus forming this mysterious art against the sky!

And the Heaven-Defying True Qi refined from the Heaven-Defying God Art is also different from ordinary True Qi, possessing a strange aura.

The rebelliousness and nobility are vividly interpreted!

How could such a noble existence surrender to a poison who only hides in the dark and stabs people in the back?
(End of this chapter)

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