War of the Three Realms

Chapter 424 Fusion of God Art, Defying the Beginning 2

Chapter 424 Fusion of God Art, Defying the Beginning 2
After the fusion of arrogance and illusion, it is a kind of kindness and dignity.

Li Kuang's whole mind was immersed in this wonderful feeling. Yutian Jue and Yuxu Qingxin Jue were running together, and after they merged, they turned into a new running route.

The movement route of this yin-yang shape is extremely strange. The two true qi seem to go their own way, but they are closely connected. Every time they come into contact, a part of the true qi will be fused and turned into heaven-defying true qi.

When this heaven-defying true qi was activated, it even opened up the blocked meridians a lot, greatly increasing the true qi that passed through once.

This Yinglong's seal is extremely miraculous, it seems to have the function of "compression", making his entire tendon and veins tightly contracted together, and the passage of true energy is compressed into almost a solid body. Under the influence of the seal, Li Kuang Every time you run your true qi, it takes a lot of effort to deal with ordinary people.

However, as the qi against the sky became stronger and stronger, the constricted meridians also began to be stretched slowly, and finally formed a completely unimpeded route!

But what makes Li Kuang extremely depressed is that when the true energy is in motion, the meridians on these routes will open up, as if a switch is turned on, but when the true energy is stagnant, they will shrink into a ball again, blocking the passage !

In this way, if the true energy in Li Kuang's body is less than a certain amount, he cannot use it to resist the enemy at all.

A considerable part of the zhenqi cultivated was contributed to the meridians, and what Li Kuang could obtain was only a very small part.

What Ying Long said is actually correct. After being sealed, the speed of cultivation has indeed slowed down a lot, but the meridians have been strengthened again and again in a disguised form. It will definitely have an extremely important impact on future cultivation.

Li Kuang was immersed in his cultivation, until he was sure that his Heaven-Defying Divine Art had just been completed, and he didn't finish it until dawn.

Stretching, Li Kuang jumped out of bed, looked at the dinner that he hadn't had time to cook last night, shook his head and sighed.

Originally, I was planning to reward my mistress, but who would have thought that this kid would be so ignorant, he would be too defiant!
Li Kuang washed up hastily, and then prepared to go out for activities.

As soon as he walked to the door, he was startled by a curled up person in front of him. When he looked closely, it turned out to be Xiaosan.

It's just that I don't know why I slept at the door.

Although the weather is very hot now, it is inevitable to sleep outside and get covered in dew.

(End of this chapter)

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