War of the Three Realms

Chapter 429 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 5

Chapter 429 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 5
Seeing his impatient look, Li Kuang couldn't help laughing mischievously: "Do you really want to learn? Transferring data is very painful!"

"It's true! Of course it's true. It's a fool not to learn such a good profession. Come on, my mistress is living a life of licking blood. I don't care about a little bit of pain."

Xiaosan looked very proud and excited.

Li Kuang smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pat Xiao San's forehead, and said with a chuckle: "Don't resist, first memorize these materials thoroughly, and then talk about studying after you have memorized them fluently!"


Xiao San let out a miserable scream, feeling that his brain was being cut open by a thousand knives, and countless hands were trying to stuff things into it. The feeling of swelling to the point of exploding was really "exciting"!

Li Kuang let go, covered his ears with his hands, and walked to the side leisurely.

Veins popped out of Xiaosan's face, beads of soybean-sized sweat rolled down his face, his face was ferocious and terrifying, twisted terribly.

After howling for a full 10 minutes, he calmed down, and sat down on the ground, panting heavily, as if he had escaped from death.

Li Kuang was actually sweating in his heart.

Because this is the first time he has used this method of data transmission!
This is a unique skill that can only be displayed after practicing the "Yin Yang Against the Sky Jue", with a great improvement in soul power and combined with the "Heavenly Vision, Earth Listening Jue".

There is absolutely no hope of success for such a stunt before the distraction period, but Li Kuang practiced the "Heavenly Vision, Earth Listening Jue" since childhood, and later obtained the "Yin Yang Against the Sky Jue", both of which are training the soul. The method of strength.

This soul power is different from ordinary true qi, it is invisible and qualityless, but it is extremely powerful, and there is no conflict with true qi, it is completely another kind of energy.

This kind of energy is the product of the fusion of spiritual power and soul power!

Naturally, transferring some data or something is out of the question.

But after all, it is the first time to use it, so the effect is really hard to say.

Because this kind of transmission requires the other party to be voluntary, otherwise, Li Kuang's soul power is not strong in the first place, and if the other party's mental power hinders them, the two will collide violently, and the only end will be that the other party's soul is damaged, which is very likely to change. Become an idiot, or even brain dead.

Therefore, Li Kuang could only use Xiaosan for experiments.

Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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