War of the Three Realms

Chapter 438 Situation in the Great Hall, Rebellious Li Kuang 3

Chapter 438 Situation in the Great Hall, Rebellious Li Kuang 3
Only a very small number of strange people with peerless cultivation can feel the oppression brought by the big formation.

And it seems that there has never been someone who can not only feel but also react so strongly like Li Kuang in Qingchen's life.

"Li Kuang, do you... feel something?"

Qing Chen asked with some fear, her eyes locked on Li Kuang even more.

Li Kuang was startled, and said with a sneer: "No...no! I'm fine! This Kunlun fairy mountain is really extraordinary, majestic, desolate and ancient, it's really hard to arouse the heart of blasphemy, Xiao Kuang only has reverence in his heart, nothing else , brother is overthinking."

Qingchen smiled slightly and said: "It's normal for you to feel this way. This 'Nine Heavens Mirroring the Earth Formation' is Kunlun's protective formation. It is the most powerful formation in history. It has incredible magical abilities. He is guarding, the closer to the main peak, the greater the power."

He looked at Li Kuang and said with a mysterious smile: "At most, most people can feel the majesty of the formation in a vague way. Only those with supernatural powers can feel the real oppression brought by the formation."

Li Kuang smiled wryly in his heart, Damn, so I am a good-for-nothing and a stranger?

Seeing Li Kuang's wry smile, Qing Chen confirmed what he thought in his heart. He couldn't help approaching Li Kuang, and said in a low voice: "It seems that Li Kuang's junior brother really has an amazing talent, which has attracted the attention of the big formation, and the fluctuation is so strong. , it seems that my Kunlun will produce another unworldly genius!"

Li Kuang's heart tightened, and he said in a low voice: "Brother, you are joking, but I am actually very stupid."

Qing Chen laughed, patted Li Kuang on the shoulder affectionately, and said: "Brother Li Kuang is too modest, when he is in full swing, don't forget me, Qing Chen."

Li Kuang was about to say a few words of politeness, when he heard a cold snort, and a strange voice said, "Hey, isn't this Li Kuang's junior brother? What's the matter? You got on good terms with the controller of the first floor so quickly? It seems that Junior brother Qingchen wants to make things difficult for our brothers?"

As soon as Dongfang Bubai's breaking sound appeared, everyone felt a chill, and Li Kuang frowned even more, becoming a little angry.

Hei Wu and Bai Wu, like black and white evil spirits, were walking over from the other side, sneering at Li Kuang and Qing Chen.

Damn it, this dead rabbit actually hated Qingchen because of his love for life!
(End of this chapter)

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