War of the Three Realms

Chapter 451 One step to the sky, my name does not realize 1

Chapter 451 Reaching the sky in one step, my name does not realize 3
In fact, how did everyone know that Li Kuang actually had no concept of the so-called master of the peak, and thought he was an elder like "Tianjiaomen"!

Thinking about that Uncle Duanqing, who is the second highest in the sect, is only guarding a Lingbaopu. Although this Kunlun is majestic and majestic, it looks very imposing, but it is divided into five peaks. , I'm afraid it's not as good as my status in Tianjiao Sect, what's there to be happy about?
His indifference immediately won Bai Yunzi's appreciation, and his gaze towards Li Kuang was full of admiration and hope.

This son, the future achievements are absolutely limitless!

Hei Yunzi was dumbfounded from below, and said in surprise: "Senior brother, did I hear correctly? Do you really want this trash to be the master of Qingyun's lineage?"

Bai Yunzi frowned, and said: "Junior Brother Heiyun, please pay attention to your words. Although Li Kuang is a junior, he is now the leader of the peak, and he is on an equal footing with us. Please maintain the courtesy you should have in the future, and don't try to make jokes." .”

Hei Yunzi's face turned green, and he clenched his hands tightly, obviously feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart, but he is worthy of being a super expert, and his state of mind is also very incomparable, so he immediately snorted, bowed his head and said in a respectful voice: "Senior Brother Sect Master said That's right, since we are all in the same vein, we should watch out and help each other, and Hei Yun will definitely pay more attention to Peak Master Li Kuang in the future."

Bai Yun laughed and said, "That's right! The five peaks of Kunlun must not be chaotic. I hope everyone will remember this clearly!"

He faced the crowd and said loudly: "From today onwards, Li Kuang has officially become the master of Qingyun Peak, and he will give you his title without dancing!"

"Don't understand?"

Li Kuang was stunned.

"Don't dance...don't understand! Hahaha, if you don't understand, you can become enlightened. If you don't dance, your strength is still weak, and there is no one in Qingyun Peak. How about it! You choose, as for your practice, I will send Wangwu to guide you, I hope you will not disappoint Junior Brother Qingyun's painstaking efforts to develop Qingyun Peak."

Everyone is in an uproar!

A student who just started out became one of the peak masters of the world's largest sect in the blink of an eye, and even changed his identity in an instant, and put away his disciples!
Such a miracle is enough to be recorded in the history books! ~
Now, Ziyun and Hongyun couldn't sit still anymore, they looked at Bai Yunzi in astonishment, and even wondered in their hearts whether Bai Yunzi in front of him was possessed by a monster, and they were talking nonsense here.

(End of this chapter)

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