War of the Three Realms

Chapter 458 Qingyun Peak Master, famous all over the world 2

Chapter 458 Qingyun Peak Master, famous all over the world 2
The apprentice acceptance ceremony held in the afternoon was just a ceremony for outsiders to see.

Because there are outsiders watching the ceremony, it looks extremely solemn.

On such occasions, the Lord of Wufeng can also choose to show his face or not. Li Kuang knows that his strength is low, and it is inevitable that he will be ridiculed in front of the public. It is definitely not his habit to be watched like a monkey. After Bai Yunzi confessed his crime, he slipped away under Wang Wu's leadership on the pretext of being familiar with Qingyun Peak.

The poor nine disciples who joined Qingyun Peak were extremely eye-catching and shabby among the hundreds or even thousands of other disciples of the fourth line.

It has become a hot topic among disciples.

Thousands of gazes stabbed at them, and the few people felt as if they were sitting on a blanket of needles, sweating wildly.

Although fellow sects are not allowed to attack for no reason, cultivators are all people with strong spiritual thoughts. Even if they glance at others, they still carry a little soul power. This tidal wave of soul power is absolutely beyond imagination. It is no wonder that the nine people His complexion would be so ugly that he had to resist it with hard work.

In this way, the consumption of true energy becomes terrifying.

In less than two hours, several people were exhausted, and even the weakest one was on the verge of falling, and almost collapsed before the ceremony even started.

Isn't this embarrassing Qing Yunfeng?

Xiaosan was furious in his heart, these people are really hateful, they actually bullied him that there is no master in his side, deliberately making Qing Yunfeng look bad.


Gritting his teeth, he took out the Dabu Pill, and said seriously: "Everyone, everyone has seen the situation today, and you must not embarrass us at Qingyun Peak! In time, those who look down on us will definitely regret it! Now, everyone Hold your chest up for me, even though your strength is low, you can't weaken our Qingyun Peak's prestige!"

After speaking, a pill was distributed to everyone.

These disciples are not highly qualified, where have they seen the legendary elixir?

As soon as he took the elixir, his heart was shocked, he looked at Xiaosan in disbelief, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Xiao San smiled proudly, and said mysteriously: "These are all refined by the Peak Master, now, everyone understand what I just said!"

"The peak master... the peak master is actually..."

Everyone put the elixir into their mouths, and their spirits were shaken immediately, everyone was in high spirits and excited!

The peak master is actually an alchemist!

If this gets out, people who want to enter Qingyun Peak will probably crowd the mountain gate, and I am so lucky to wait for others!

(End of this chapter)

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