War of the Three Realms

Chapter 467 Ancient Divine Beast, Heavenly Dragon Divine Soul 2

Chapter 467 Ancient Divine Beast, Heavenly Dragon Divine Soul 2
"Li Kuang, no matter what you can do after resurrecting the ancient god beast, please keep this matter a secret. If it is leaked out, our Kunlun might be wiped out!"

Li Kuang couldn't help but choke: "Since you are afraid that I will leak it, why are you telling me so much?"

"Because you have fused and inspired the spirit of the Heavenly Dragon King, and you are considered one of your own. If I don't tell you, maybe some troubles will arise."

Li Kuang couldn't help but feel amused, just because he fused a piece of Tianlong's soul, he became his own?
He also knew that the reason why he was able to integrate this piece of Heavenly Dragon Divine Soul so smoothly was because he was attacked by poisonous gas all over his body and became a poisonous person, and Yinglong Neidan appeared at the right time, and with his supreme power, Li Kuang His body was transformed into a metamorphosis without attributes.

This caused the dragon pattern to easily integrate into Li Kuang's body.

Because this Heavenly Dragon Divine Soul is so pure, so pure that there is no trace of impurities, it is too difficult to find the same pure soul and body to carry it in the secular world, even in a super realm like Bai Yunzi.

But Li Kuang was only eight years old at the time, the most innocent age, and his body happened to be transformed into a non-attributed body, so it could naturally accommodate the demanding Heavenly Dragon Spirit.

If anyone else came here, I'm afraid they wouldn't be as perfect as Li Kuang.

Qingyunzi has obtained the dragon pattern for hundreds of years, but has not seen anything researched. The only result is to use its extremely pure attributes to engrave the "Yuxu Qingxin Jue" in it, and inject true energy into it, making it a A magic weapon for personal protection.

Now Li Kuang understands that at that time, Qing Yunzi was eager to chase down You Ling, and hurriedly accepting himself as a direct disciple was completely gambling, betting on Li Kuang and his own luck, fortunately, he succeeded.

Bai Yunzi glanced at Li Kuang enviously, and said, "No dance, your luck is really good, to be able to get the strange beast inner alchemy that Qing Yunzi painstakingly collected to build the foundation, the inner alchemy we have been guessing what kind of creature it is So, now it seems that it must be the Dragon Clan! Otherwise, you wouldn't have merged with the Heavenly Dragon King's soul so quickly!"

Li Kuang's heart tightened, and he secretly cursed that he was really an old fox, and he couldn't hide anything from him.

Since the old man regards himself as his own now, does it mean that he can treat Kunlun as his own playground in the future, and he can play however he wants?

Of course, now Li Kuang dare not bring up the matter of Tianshimen being exterminated in front of Bai Yunzi.

(End of this chapter)

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