War of the Three Realms

Chapter 477 Arrogant Qing Dance, Unyielding Li Kuang 3

Chapter 477 Arrogant Qing Dance, Unyielding Li Kuang 3
No matter how good-tempered Li Kuang was, at this moment he couldn't help but burst into a loud shout: "Bold Qingwu, you are simply too presumptuous! Don't you even know your identity? How dare you speak to the master of the peak like this? Could it be that your mother didn't What is your etiquette?"

"You... you dare to scold me?"

Qing Wu really didn't expect Li Kuang to dare to be so strong, she couldn't help but blushed with anger, glared at Li Kuang, and said darkly: "How dare you call me uneducated? I'll kill you!"

No one would have imagined that Qing Wu would dare to do it at someone else's site. When the words fell, her person suddenly turned into a phantom, approaching Li Kuang in an instant, and a brilliant white light flashed on the palm of his hand, and it went straight to Li Kuang's body. Dantian patted away.

This time he struck out in anger, the speed was beyond imagination, Xiaosan and all the disciples couldn't help screaming!

Li Kuangxin had been monitoring her with his eyesight, and he had sensed her killing intent long before she made a move, so he was startled and hurriedly dodged, even if he took the first step, he was almost hit by her.

Amidst the bang, the fierce zhenqi directly overturned the hot pot, and the dishes in the pot were scattered all over the floor.

Li Kuang backed out of the main hall, and shouted sharply: "Damn girl, how dare you do it?"

Qing Wu is so old, probably this is the first time she heard someone call herself a dead girl, she couldn't help being furious, and shouted angrily: "You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

The flying sword flashed a brilliant ray of light in mid-air, and shot towards Li Kuang heavily like a thunderbolt.

Li Kuang's eyes were icy cold, but he gritted his teeth and flew tens of meters away with a whoosh, standing in the center of the square, waiting to call out the Fire Cloud Sword to deal her a fatal blow.

But suddenly, he changed his mind again, because someone here used the main peak to teleport to Qingyun Peak!
This person is Wang Wu!

Wang Wu is responsible for teaching Li Kuang, even though she has some doubts and fears in her heart, she can't disobey the master's intention, so she can only come here.

As soon as he entered Qingyun Peak, he felt Qing Wu's arrogance and domineering momentum, and he was shocked.

Li Kuang gave up the idea of ​​summoning the Fire Cloud Sword, and the envoy entered the cloud rope, his body changed like a phantom, and he played hide and seek with Qing Wu.

Qing Wu didn't expect Li Kuang to take such a method to fight with herself, and she felt even more disdainful, the imperial envoy flying swords, chasing Li Kuang again and again, making him dangerous, all the disciples around screamed, but there was nothing they could do!
(End of this chapter)

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