War of the Three Realms

Chapter 484 Hot Pot Temptation, Finally on a Thief Ship 4

Chapter 484 Hot Pot Temptation, Finally on a Thief Ship 4
Through Wang Wu's teaching, Li Kuang suddenly discovered that the "Yuxu Qingxin Jue" actually has an extremely close relationship with Qingyun Peak!
According to what Bai Yunzi said, this Qingyun Peak is one of the dragon veins. Li Kuang silently showed the direction of the dragon veins of Qingyun Peak in his heart, and discovered a secret that shocked him, that is, the direction of its veins and meridians is similar to that of "Yuxu Qingxin Jue" "There are seven or eight points similar!"
How is this going?

Is there any connection between the two?
And when running the "Yuxu Qingxin Jue", the dragon pattern matching is also activated, and the meridian is completely covered, Li Kuang's mind sinks, and he also has a strange feeling that Qingyun Peak is under his control.

Practicing here, the aura of heaven and earth surges in even more, several times faster than anywhere else.

The martial arts of ordinary disciples of Qingyun's family called "God of War Jue"!
The name is loud enough. As the name suggests, it focuses on the method of attacking. There are weapons, fists, and swords, as well as the most profound soul out of body attack method, which can be described as extremely comprehensive.

However, Li Kuang still found that the sword attack method of this God of War Jue is obviously far inferior to his own Sword Yu Jue, and any unique move in Yu Jian Jue is far better than the God of War Jue.

The junior disciples were very excited. For them, this kind of mentality is a top-level mentality, which is extremely rare. Therefore, they all forgot to sleep and eat, and practiced very seriously. Their hard work and hard work were immediately recognized by Wangwu. For disciple Qingyun Also had a good impression.

Since the competition is about to start, everyone doesn't have much time to practice, they just want to get acquainted.

Since the opening time of the seal is uncertain, the disciples of each faction can only temporarily live in Kunlun, and can only enter the experience after the seal is opened, so the time is not urgent, and everyone's interest is on the upcoming selection contest. Kunlun There are many disciples, and although there are more quotas for training each time than any other faction, the competition is also the most intense.

The selection contest will be held in three days. Everyone is both excited and worried, but overall they are still full of inexplicable confidence in Li Kuang, a pervert. Even Senior Brother Wang Wu is no exception. It seems that even if Li Kuang does something extraordinary It is also normal.

Li Kuang cooked a delicious meal as usual, and even took out a few bottles of Moutai, drinking and having fun with everyone.

Poor Wang Wu, Kunlun's most loyal and honest disciple, was forced to be spoiled by Li Kuang, and under Li Kuang's deliberate actions, he was drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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