War of the Three Realms

Chapter 743 Crazy Genius, Playing with Heavenly Tribulation 19

Chapter 743 Crazy Genius, Playing with Heavenly Tribulation 19
Li Kuang slammed on the ground, and at the same time when he passed out, the divine dragon that had just appeared and hadn't had time to show its power, was also twisted and smashed from mid-air in front of everyone's horrified eyes, like a meteorite falling from the sky. Suddenly, there was a wave of earth that shot up to the sky, and the trees, sand and stones shot around frantically, and the whole valley seemed to shake because of it.


How can it be?

Unexpectedly... even the dragon is vulnerable to a single blow!The strength of this human being is really shocking!
The patriarch of the Yiren clan was struggling with the fact that the clan's treasure fell into the hands of this super expert, but he saw that this legendary bow unexpectedly showed unprecedented power, and shot the dragon to death with one arrow!

Such terrifying power was simply beyond his imagination.

Could it be that he is really a predestined person for the Extinguishing Bow?

Shenlong was killed by Li Kuang with two arrows!Omg this is shocking.

Almost all the people who watched the battle were deeply shocked. The mortal beings of the lower world killed the arrogant and powerful Shenlong so easily. If such absurd thing had not been witnessed with their own eyes, no one would believe it!
Of course, Ziyunzi and his party were the most pleasantly surprised, their mouths were so wide open that they could almost stuff an egg.

Master Buwu Peak really deserves to be a master of miracles!In the future, even if I hear that he can go to heaven and earth freely, I will never doubt it!
Wangwu Zhanwu and Ziyunzi couldn't help sighing together.

However, as Li Kuang and Shenlong fell at the same time, everyone's hearts were also tugged. If Master Buwu killed Shenlong, he himself would be fine!

Naturally, Qing Lan was the one who was most worried, but she held onto her tightly: "Qing Lan, don't be reckless, wait a minute, if you succeed in crossing the tribulation, the robbery clouds should disperse, look, the sky now It seems to be even darker, I am afraid, the catastrophe is not over yet!"

Duanqing hesitated, and told another fact that made everyone's heart tremble.

how is this possible?Isn't the catastrophe over once?How come one after another?Does this still make people alive?

For ordinary people, it is considered lucky to be able to survive such a catastrophe once, how can they withstand such continuous catastrophe?
Ziyunzi was also surprised and said: "It shouldn't be wrong. Could it be that the master of Buwu Peak crossed the legendary Four or Nine Heavens Tribulation? It is rumored that after this calamity, when he ascends to the heavens and becomes a celestial being, he will truly transcend the Three Realms." powerful existence!"

"I'm dizzy, I hit a ghost today, I finally want to explode, but the power is always cut off, I have been washed five times, and the power has been cut off three times, sweating one!" "

(End of this chapter)

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